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Literally the greatest vehicle in human history
I got a newer one as a rental recently. Worst seats I have ever sat in, my spine was legitimately damaged by sitting in that POS
Camerys are kino
>just a nucar thing
Are these 6th gen camrys any fun to drive?
It's shit
you 100% got gapped by a FWD kek
No, the accord and malibu have very comfortable seats
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Post tits
I have an ES350 from that Gen. The V6 is a pretty good engine and it's an amazing highway cruiser, but "fun" isn't the word I would use, unless you enjoy the aspect of slinging unsuitable vehicles around corners for the thrill of never knowing when it's going to let go and crash.
Still not buying any fwd shitbox
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mine runs like shit but still happy how comfy it is compared to euro hatchback tincans
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Trve, Luke smith even owns one!
I have a hybrid and it's definitely different, but in a good way.
>never won lemans

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>my spine was legitimately damaged

Stop blaming the car for your inferior genetics, your poor diet, and your refusal to do even light exercise.
>wins NASCAR every other weekend

We are so back
post flab
You cant get pussy driving one of these
hookers dont care what you drive
Satanic trips of truth
it's pronounced camray, anon
If you need hookers to get action it's over
Neither does a fancy bmw if you are an incel
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the 1st gen xB is much better
>just as reliable as the camry
>better gas mileage
>roomier and more comfortable
>more maneuverable, tighter turning radius
>tons of space to haul shit
>optional roof rack to haul more shit
>5 speed manual
Refer to>>27841666
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plus you can make them into a dune buggy
Half Life 2-core
I got pussy driving a trapped out 1989 Volvo 740 stick shift wagon

You are just a loser, it doesn't matter what car you drive
FACT: every bmw driver gets pussy
You're acting like thats not a cool car
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sure thing buddy.
Anything I should do to my 2000 Camry besides the weather screen I bought and scraping off the ancient dealership sticker?

It has 81k miles a great service history.
It IS a cool car, when it's not trapped out. The headliner was missing, would randomly stall out, odo didn't work torn seats etc. it was less cool 10 years ago as well. Anyone can get pussy in anything. I was picking up weed in my Toyota echo and the dealer wanted my car to do his work with lol
Remove the dealership license plate frame.
I already did that too since it was falling apart. Got a chrome one.

I guess I'm g2g
if they could send love letters to hell they would be
I forgot to say get a “Powered by SUPER EUROBEAT” bumper sticker
Its not a Honda, so its not that good.
I'd just do creature comforts, sound deadening, Carplay radio, speakers, mild tint, maybe some seat covers. It's a well made, low mileage car, no need to ruin it with BS.
Elliot rodger would've had so many "femcel" fangirls in 2024. He was ahead of his time.
No, they love the idea of him post death.
The real, incarnate Rodgers would be fucking insufferable to them. Needy women aren't going to click well with a guy that's just as needy and bitchy.
They would see him as narcissistic which is what some neurotic and maladjusted women crave in the modern day
The Camry is the most popular midsized car, the Mustang is the most popular two-door, the F-Series the most popular in general.
The Camry is also the best car ever
I especially like that time they killed a bunch of families by accelerating out of control on the interstate.
i mean if theyre too braindead to just put in neutral they deserved to eat shit
based eugenics
This is keyed
What kind of engine swap can you do on these niggas
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>wrong wheel drive
>auto only
>McDonald's on all 4 (for real this time, not shitposting)
>bouncy castle soft suspension
>useless sedan with no wagon version to make it worthwhile
Why should I care in the slightest? It's the car you recommend to your non-car-enthusiast friends and family who want something that just werks and don't actually like cars. I would want to gouge my eyes out from boredom if I were saddled with one of those.
Oh sorry, did you think I was being ironic?
>It's not fun unless something breaks!
You own this car for your daily driver and own something else to play with, anon. These Camrys are a million-mile car.
I daily drive my "something else to play with" car. If you could read any of the 6 points in greentext, you would find that none of them have anything to do with reliability. Being reliable is the only thing it has going for it, and yes, I need more.
>McDonalds, bloated bar of soap, and auto only
More like the greatest regression in human history.
Just say it filtered you and move on with your day faggot
my car is actually fun, your is boring as fuck
id rather daily drive something fun
Notice how everyone shitting on the CAMRY hasn’t named a better vehicle (or even posted their own)
God I want to suck his
you know
nohomo tho
you couldve saved him
The Prius is better, new one looks better too.
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lol no, you can't win wars with camrys
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>Literally the greatest vehicle in human history
If the Camry had never existed, no one would miss it. It's so similar to twenty or so other mid-size sedans of it's era.
Avalon is kino
But I'm a big guy (4u)

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