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my autistic ass is looking for new car. I want something with 3800 series. Was thinking about 2000 impala, 1995 park avenue or 1995 bonneville,

I'm stuck in europe and my retarded ass keeps buying shitboxes from usa. Bought chrysler, bought ford, IT'S TIME FOR GM BABY.
Alright GMfags I can admit when it's based. GM can be based. Seems like this motor is great and I think the later turbo ecotecs that replaced them are good too like in the ATS. I would love a 3800 swapped Fiero even though it would be a pigfat coffin. Also I will be on the lookout for a CT4 if that engine ends up reliable. Whatever manufacturer continues to make RWD + manual I will suck their dick. CT5 will be gouged to fuck and also is pigfat.
3800 series 2 supercharged is where it's at. Park Avenue ultras, Bonneville ssei's, etc
>best gm shitmobile
Gms most underrated performance model. Ecotec is the fastest 4cyl in the quarter mile.
not really into superchargers, i wanna reliability and some remains of fuel economy
Why are GMfags constantly praising this meme engine? You get shit performance for the displacement and it's also bad on fuel.
it's going to be impossible to get parts for a 1995 buick park avenue in europe. this is fine for a weekend car, but for a daily will be a big problemo.
why series 2 over series 3?
VS Commodore
has anyone ever been this wrong
the impala was a cool car. I'd love to own a fourth gen camaro or something with a 3800 sc though
>1995 bonneville
i think that is a really cool idea. is the SSEI available? that has the supercharger. I had a 2000 ssei bonnie that I got from my parents... they had 2. great cars
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burgers really take a beautiful buick 3800 and point it the wrong way
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Don't forget the Buick bros.
I'd say just as reliable and pretty much the same fuel economy, much easier to stay in OD with the extra TQ from the stupidcharger
S3 is still reliable but is speculated to be slightly less than the S2
That would be awesome, they never s/c'ed the Camaro though & it needs more hood height to fit the s/c, unsure of the firewall/upper windshield area
Yes, unfortunately, I'm jelly of correctly orientated 3800 boxes of kangarooland
>no argument
I own what’s probably the cleanest 1994 Bonneville in the state of Georgia. Old school church lady owned, garaged, you know the deal. It’s easily been the best daily I’ve ever had.
That being said, I’m pretty sure I got lucky. I’ve only ever seen a handful of 90s era Bonnies and the ones I have seen are either beat to shit or sitting in junkyards.
If you find a SSEI, jump on it. I had one before my current SE, but it was a mechanics special so it didn’t last long.
The whole car will fall apart before the engine will.
BTW they are dirt cheap. People sleep on these cars. I only paid 1,500 for the first mechanically fucked one, but I paid 2,400 for my current one that’s actually a mint example.
Buick Riveria had a SC.
My naturally aspirated 3800 Bonneville got the same fuel economy as my 2200sfi Buick and my D15Y6 Civic.
Series 3 production didn't start until 2004, so the cars it's in are newer than what OP is looking for.
Also I don't like the drive by wire setup. Another electronic device to fail.

Owned multiple 3800 powered cars, the body rots around the engine and will keep running long after it has returned to dust. Unmodded they are the literal definition of bulletproof and any parts that do fail due to age cost pennies on the dolllar. Even heavily modified engines have long lives as long as you have a transmission not constructed of tape and glue behind it.
I had a 95 Bonneville. It was very comfy.
never heard anything bad about series 3, iirc the only changes were the intakes, the supercharged ones got a boost to 260hp with the gen 5 m90

the fantastic thing is gm couldnt make their mind up either, my 05 park ave was dbc

supercharger + e85 = 300hp ez
swap the supercharger for a intercooled turbo and you'll blow up the tranny before you even hit the same boost level, these engines are a well kept secret and you dont have to do much to them
I dont need an arguement, reality begs to differ from your dumbass half-baked opinion
If the 3800 is so great how come boat engines are based off the GM 4.3? Why is the 4.3 still in use to this day but the 3800 died off decades ago? Is it you roofuckers shilling the 3800 because nobody really praises it in North America.
1 vehicle application post-y2k that's $10,000 in decent shape, also, boats
in literally every non-truck platform made by gm for 2 decades, inherited en-mass by the poorfags with mommy issues who post on this board

just saying, look at who you're talking to
>Why is the 4.3 still in use to this day but the 3800 died off decades ago?
General Motors made it a point to kill Flint (especially Buick) in 1999, and the 3800 was made almost exclusively in Flint, Michigan at the Buick site.

Also technology (and government regulations) marches on.

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