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The best car color.
Oh no, dust!
>boils you alive
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the "black c4 corvette" look is so overdone at this point. even on something like an e31. it's just done. it's like the stairway to heaven of car aesthetics.
Post your hilariously VISIBLE swirls so I can LOL @ them
The E31 looks so much better in blue.
after having owned black car once I swore to never do this to myself ever again.
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The absolute worst car color available
Chat is this real?

Is it really that much worse in a black car than a white car in summer?
Better than gray, barely better than white, but that's about it.
Its grey for me. Mazdas machine grey is really nice
>The best car color.
for a total of 35 minutes after you just washed and waxed it
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that new bluish gray color some of the hondas are getting
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>anything but black white or silver
>whatever that faded gold color is I see on old hunks of jumk
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yes. It's like 10F different
Swirly black is my favorite
For exactly 15 minutes after washing until it looks like shit
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Satin White Pearl
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>generic colours
White, Silver, Grey
>at least you tried
Red, Blue
>you haven't unlocked this car yet
>good colours
Yellow, Purple, Orange
>GOAT colour
Comfy color
>you mean craigslist beigt?
>retirement gold?
I swear those cars came pre-used from the factory with 140k on the odo
old person
OP was talking about the orange or green car behind the supra btw.
No, the best color is silver
>Bluish hint in the sun
>Better at hiding dust and dirt than black or white
>Can be combined with pearl to achieve amazing finishes
If I ever get enough money for a car I want rather than need I'm getting something in purple
What is that in real degrees?
Google it you fucko
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black is worst car color . Black is literal NPC color . if u want black car go buy hearse
if you're lazy.
nothing is more visible on black paint than your hard work.
I think it's called aqua green. I like this one, I don't know if it's green or blue.
I miss the 90's so much
Now I see that these are two different colors, celestial blue and Tahitian green, difficult choice
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Paint needs care as much as the engine.
Shit, there's a third one: Aztec green
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Too blue
too green
I don't know, anon, sometimes I see it blue and other times green. Anyway, it's great
Check this out, choom
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Black is a pain to keep clean for sure, I'll get it wrapped someday but for now I just deal with it.
At the moment I'd go with a dark green but it'll be a while before I decide.
Needs a drop too.
That's 1in lower than stock. I have to be able to clear stupidly high speed bumps my work has so can't go any lower without having to deal with approach angles and scraping the bumper.
It'd be lower if I didn't drive it every day
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I prefer white to be honest, like death's pale horse.

It is just personal preference, black is a nice color as well.

Hidden in the cover in the black of night, the blackness of struggle.

That is the meaning of the German tricolor, black, red, and gold.

The blackness of servitude, of work and toil to achieve.

Leading to the red, bloody struggle, red like blood.

And finally, freedom in golden victory.
the first horseman, conquest, is white. the last "pale" horseman is mostly represented as sickly green, especially when considering the greek text
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luv me supras
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Dark colours are boring
Jägermeister orange is a great pick on that.
I dont care for the weeblet stancelet ricelet memes or whatever but this is legitimately a monster truck
>Dark colours are boring
Says the guy who pulls up a stock image.
Find the people ITT who actually own an orange car and then talk to us about dark colors being boring.
Black requires genuine effort and a well maintained black car stands out despite not being a bright colour
>literally white
i aint your choom, gonk.
Oh no I gotta wax my cars clear coat.
Big deal, and the best way to cope is the swirls look like galaxies
its literally worse than silver especially when coupled with a black interior. and i have a silver car.
Wax doesn't remove swirls
Purple #1
Im a sucker for red.
Especially dark red
Something like Alfa romeo rosso proteo met and ferrari rosso fiorano
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Wasn't ever a fan of blues until I got a CL9 in "Indigo Blue Pearl". It looks really nice against a sunset without being too over the top.
Yes it does.
Fucking retard go learn what a clear coat is before you open your slack jaw mouth
LOL no it doesn't you stupid fuck. Go learn what polishing compound is you fucking retarded flyoverlet ricelet stancelet slowfaglet boyracelet
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default npc gray (+$0)
untinted windows
normal chrome / not blacked out
normal badge for the lowest trim on the maker's budget car

i simply do not care about rice, and blending in is good so i don't get my car stolen or vandalized or ticketed
Lol what a faggot
Anon, that's a Hyundai
The projection is strong in this tard.
What a miserable existence, being (you)
Kek i always wondered who drives these
SAAB Scarabe Green Metallic
lol you don't even know what wax does
>white (most boring color and lowest quality paint double whammy of absolute bottom tier)
>black (second most boring color and shows dirt 5 seconds after a wash, boils you alive)
>silver (npc mobile, would look good on high end cars if it wasn't insanely overused like white and black)
If you have the choice of any color even washed out maroon or granny champagne and you choose one of these 3 kill yourself immediately
I'm going to wrap mine yellow. Yellow was not offered as a color in my car.
BAB is up there.

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