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"Thanks for continuing to buy gas cars, /o/! My seventeen year old son loves his new Bugatti."
Yeah and all norwegians are rich too.
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Based oil barons keeping both Russia's war machine and Joe Blow Texas with who owns the local oil rigs and refineries that I actually get my gas from in check along with the entire economy because oil and gasoline directly represent capacity for work to be done and freedom of transportation for the regular person.
He earned a whole fleet of brand new 'raris 'gattis and lambos if that's what he wants to blow his oil money on.
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>just buy EVs instead bro
>that'll show em
Opec only provides 12% of US imported oil.
yeah but they provide 40% of world's oil so they effectively set the price it is traded at
So? Sounds like a problem for countries that only import to deal with.
>uhh yeah just sell your oil below market value because uhh we're the goverment ok
sometiems i cover myself in oil and slide around on my garage floor pretending im an slug
>thanks for staying with gas, brother. Thanks to (You) my family can afford to eat.
fugg forgot pic
Personal transportation in NA isn't a choice so much as a mandate.

Love cars as much as the next person, but I'd rather keep a car for fun and take the train everywhere else.
and thank you for providing a market to the cutting edge of engineering for internal combustion engines and cars progressing the entire automotive field of technology and engineering
EVs are pushed by politicians who profit from it.
No kidding. No one with above room temp IQ think EVs are good for the planet or environmentally friendly. They are worse for the latter, in fact.
No problem, you're welcome big boss, I'd buy and drive more if it wasn't for our communist government taxing everything to hell and back
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Thanks for extracting dead dinosaurs so I can drive my shitbox
The US exports more oil than it imports.
>No one with above room temp IQ
If you're so smart, how come you're poor?
Just don't try anything funny or you might find yourself in the middle of a regime change
>take the train in America with your family
>have to deal with hopeless drug addicts and criminals
>police can't even enforce laws and if they do the perps get released right away even with violent felonies

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>lithium spontaneously combusting
nature is healing
If only the US hadn't gone from the world's largest oil producer, to having to suck arab tit, again. I can't imagine what kind of retarded asshole could have caused that, deliberately.
theyd probably give us the oil at a third of the price if we didnt support israel.
hu-wow! good point anon! time to trade in my perfectly good car to pay for 1% of a tesla!
>Thanks for continuing to buy gas cars,

Implying the guys who own lithium mines aren't giant assholes.
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>Thanks for continuing to buy EVs. My firstborn son is a tranny now.
Nope, all the money from my gas goes straight to a Russian oligarch's yacht budget
that's awesome, I hope he has the chance to drive it like it's engineered to be driven! you're very welcome. keep those prices low and pumps going!
Wow, those jews really look like arabs
No problem your majesty. Keep the oil coming!
Sure smells like cut Arab dick in here.
>Thank you for shopping at X corp
Do you think EVs are expensive?
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Thank you based Sheikh.
those are norweigans
holy shit what car that looks so good
Actually we're the world's largest fossil fuel exporter.
Against his will

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