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If Japanese cars are so amazing, then why can't this brand into quality rides?
They can tho
I've had three japanese cars, one of which was a subaru that I beat on for seven years. Never broke down never had any problems besides a slow oil leak I didn't care to fix. Just add more oil every other month.
But Subaru at least is a solid brand
/o/ keeps shitting on them though
Ugly. Slow. Gay.
It's almost all contrarian trannies, *chan raiders or glowniggers trying to justify their salaries one way or another. There's a few earnest posts here and there still, though.
/o/ has a weird hateboner for Subaru. Every single WRX thread will get 6 fordniggers screaming about buying mustangs instead.
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>Ugly. Slow. Gay.
I mainly see the guy shilling his 15 year old BMW more then anything else, but that's a lot of threads
To be fair, the WRX really has fallen from grace. It used to stomp Mustangs, now the roles are inverted. It's just been resting on its laurels and gaining weight.
It stomped Mustangs for like maybe 3 years where the WRX first came out and the New Edge GT had a whole 260hp to the 227hp WRX.

the moderators don't give a fuck about this board lol only the ones that have the most traffic

/o/ is tiny compared to /tv/ or /sp/ let alone the bigger ones like /v/ /a/ /pol/ or /int/1
>To be fair, the WRX really has fallen from grace. It used to stomp Mustangs, now the roles are inverted. It's just been resting on its laurels and gaining weight.
As someone who's had an STi and base Impreza for some 11 years combined and used to religiously browse NASIOC I agree.
They're great cheap AWD cars, but a lot of what made them special is gone. They aren't way faster than everything else anymore and because of regulations they've started computerizing stuff and adding weight/NVH like everyone else, the mechanical rawness is gone. Most Subarus are auto and those come with garbage AWD anyway.
I still prefer it to a faster FWD car, but since the late 10s mustangs and camaros seem like better choices than WRXs.
>/o/ has a weird hateboner for Subaru. Every single WRX thread will get 6 fordniggers screaming about buying mustangs instead.
It's not weird, it's just misplaced rage. American cars are built for Americans roads and generally shit everywhere else. Couple this with Japan having the largest vehicle manufacturer on the planet (Toyota) and GM/Ford being propped up with bailouts by the US government and you have a weird microcosm of hating on the foreign manufacturers as a means of dealing with your national shame.
The mustang literally is the better plastic cladded car to buy in 2024.
Japanese cars are amazing, but Subaru is a the bottom when it comes to being reliable because they do gimmicks like sticking flat 4s on cuckovers that would be better off with an I4
I can respect them for being one of the few left to do full time 50/50 AWD
that being said I think I'm going to get rid of mine soon
>Subaru is a the bottom when it comes to being reliable because they do gimmicks like sticking flat 4s on cuckovers that would be better off with an I4
The engine config has nothing to do with reliability, flat-4s are even more balanced than I4s. Subaru cheaped out on 2-3 specific things in the '00s and have had a bad reputation for reliability since despite seeming to be average reliability.
>Subaru is popular on thinly veiled trap/gay imageboard
They are like the Dodge of Japan. Complete garbage. Not everything from Japan is great.
they are good if you keep them stock, instead of stressing it with too much boost.
>you bought the wrx didn't ya
Nobody can into luxury anymore, buy something old for that
>It's almost all contrarian trannies
uhh, Subaru owners are the trannies, Subaru dominates the gay/trans demographic
this is widely known and documented
Just get an LCI E90 335i xdrive already.
/o/ shits on everything.
Subaru only makes two (2) types of vehicles

Karen/grandma/fuck wagons; these are your n/a Impreza, Crosstrek, outback, forester etc. Nothing exciting, engines are actually ok for reliablilty, meh gas mileage and false sense of safety that comes with the "I need AWD" mindset

Everything else is turbo shitbox timebomb; these are your WRX, STI, the aforementioned in "gt/xt/2.5T" variants, the 6 cylinder 3.6r variants; it's at this point you should've went German.
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Credit where it's due.
During and even post pandemic when car makers were jacking up prices, Subaru did not. In fact they raised prices less than the overall inflation rates, meaning relative to inflation they actually lowered prices. The brand has always been about building customer loyalty, which is why they went after the gays so hard.

Compare that with consumer reports naming the Crosstrek the best small suv/crossover of 2024.

I think it's going to be real hard to claim the brand is doing wrong by its customers.
I believe Subaru of America dropped the hammer hard on dealerships and fought them marking up cars during the coof
The quality of my subaru seems acceptable to me. Bought it new 8 years ago and aside from the OEM battery dying a couple years ago I haven't had to replace or repair anything on it outside of regular maintenance.
>/o/ keeps shitting on them though
Doesn't really mean anything since /o/ shits on just about everything. No matter what you make a thread about, people will come in and shit all over it. It's pretty much the nature of this board.
Also about $20k more for a v8 if we’re talking new.
Who cares what /o/ thinks. Most of us are trolls and contrarians anyway.
Also, women moment.
I mean, why mess with perfection after all.
>15 year old

the e39 faggot's car is atleast 21 years old
/o/ consists of retarded contrarian niggers.
>It's almost all contrarian trannies
lol no
I've literally seen youtube shorts with like millions of views shitting on Subaru reliability and normie comments are like "yeah just subaru things :skull emoji:"
This isn't some 4chin meme, it's fucking everywhere.
my E39s are 23 years old, my E92 is 16 years old.
anyone that drives a gay wrx shoulda got an LCI E90 335i; go cry about it lol
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>fag lives where it snows
>owns a miata and wrx
>wrx is TOO SLOW LOL
>"E90 335i xdrive"
>I've seen youtube tik toks designed specifically to show me what I want to see!
Great basis for an argument.
>three posts in a row
absolutely seething
lol you know wrxs are ugly slow and gay, right?
So what's your suggestion for people who want cuckovers? Because that's Subarus bread and butter
I like Subaru’s cars.
They handle well and are well built for the northeastern winters.
I kinda want one of their WRXs but I’d definitely waste it because I’m from Vermont and no one hear drives fast.
AWD is really nice for the rain and snow, there have been trips where I would have crashed or come close to it without AWD
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My dealership experience with Subaru has not been terrible, as compared to Toyota and Mazda. That being said, it's still sucks.

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