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How reliable is this car? At what mileage should I be worried about shit like transmission or brakes? I already know I got to at least constantly keep changing the oil every 5k. Anyone has experience with it.
X5 2023 xDrive40i
This is supposedly the most reliable engine they've brand has ever made, due to stress testing by Toyota before going into the Zupra.
Breaks the moment you leave the vendor
The engine and transmission combo is good, the SUV compact format for BMW sucks.
I've heard good things about the b58 and zf8 transmission
I just had to replace my front brakes at about 28k miles but I drive like a cunt.
>How reliable is this car?
The reliability thing has been figured out, it's not reliable. The question you should ask yourself is why bother driving a rental. Life's too short brother.
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If you have to ask. You can't afford it.
Used German repair costs=just leasing a new one.
How much did it cost?
I wasn't going to rent. I was going to buy a used one for only 10k miles with a good deal.

So far I've been getting mixed responses, others say the engine is good and will lasts, others say it's unreliable.

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