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File: giuliaveloce_089[1].jpg (340 KB, 1700x1132)
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Are the Ti Veloce verions of the Giulia any decent or just cope? There are better or just comparable cars in the segment in terms of performance, but with improved creature comforts and reliability.
Only thing keeping my attention is the "Ferrari designed" marketing, and the unquantifiable driving dynamics. Am I to believe they designed the Quadrifoglio with an incredible suspension and chassis, and simply swapped the differential and engine or a few other things here and there, and just sold that car for much less?
These seem to be going in the mid 20k range all day for some pretty well optioned Q4s, are the "driving dynamics on level with a porche" actually worth it, or is it another bullshit buyer remorse talking point? This thing is in the same segment as the G70 which stomps it by 100hp not to mentioned improved interior.
Go test drive one and find out. I've only driven the Quadrifoglio but I agree with all the journos, it's great for what it is (keeping in mind it's a modern, turbo V6, EPAS car, it's not going to be amazing compared to older generations of good driving dynamic cars).
Yes there are better performing, more reliable, better looking, less expensive, and in every "metric" better cars. But the Giulia has better smiles per miles. The BMW's are too clinical in their approach and driving feel, while the Giulia feels more lively and spirited, with superior connection with the driver and steering response tuned to perfection. While competing Lexus models would seem to be in the ballpark, they are emotional slouches, lending one to ask such a driver "sir, how are you annuities?", not so with the Giulia.
It is a true driver's car, and puts the sport in sports sedan, no matter the trim. You mention the G70, and I just grin and scoff, a Korean car that is no thoroughbred, no history, proper racing pedigree. It heaves, grunts, groans to acquire comparable performance to an engine with 33% less displacement. The design is inauthentic, no true vision other than to copy that which came before it. Fake vents, plastic bits attached like a woman with too many piercings or tattoos. The Giulia is an original vision drafted with the musculature, grit and grace of Ferrari.
You'll rarely see Alfas on the road, as they do not provide a pedestrian unobstructed commute for the average driver. It commands you to pay attention, even in daily low speed commute its graceful and focused. 30 years from now, you can say that you owned just another foreign import with too many ponies for its britches, or a true sports car.

That is what you pay for in the Alfa. You don't like it? You simply don't /o/
There are no "better looking" cars in that class.
>true driver's* car
>* "driver" = woman whose high heels don't let her work a clutch
Can tell you're trying to meme but I've driven both so I'll chime in. G70 is immediately more powerful, but the only way to put it is, for hard sporty driving, you have to commit to every single action you take, which FEELS awesome, but it means when you eventually fuck up you'll be stuck in that "oh shit I fucked up" feeling for a second or two, or just have to let off the gas and hope you can steer and coast it to minimize the damage you do.
I only drove the quafolio and the ti sport but the ti sport is the same as the velece, but anyways in the ti sport, the car just feels videogamey responsive, so even if you're driving with your foot planted like an idiot you can still correct, brake properly, and it doesn't feel like you're in a spaceship trying to correct course with those little air sprays they do, I'm sure you know what I mean.
veloce is boring at times because its too easy, and the g70 is fun in the same way that russian roulette or fucking randos without a condom is fun.

after typing all that out, I'm actually pretty proud of what I wrote.

For the top end Giulia, it doesn't feel much different, but I didn't have enough road to use it right anyways, I live in the northeast and its all tight backroads.
look, the 2L is fine. it's ok. it can be tuned with an off-the-shelf kit to about 360hp before you need to start thinking about internals, and good motors with good service history can go right on up to 400hp with those same kits
is it a quadriplegio? no, it's not, I've owned both and I skipped buying out my lease so I could get the funny motor. but I don't regret starting with the 2L a bit, and loved it while I drove it. I just love my quad more.
the steering is magical, and the rear diff is fantastic. the suspension is the best in the industry by a mile. there's a great community around the alfas, which matters even if you drive solo because there's also a great aftermarket (especially for the volume sold)
>Am I to believe they designed the Quadrifoglio with an incredible suspension and chassis, and simply swapped the differential and engine or a few other things here and there, and just sold that car for much less?
that is how it happened, though you'll have a hard time finding the electric suspension on a 2L. it's not a loss imo
Ok and what is the deal with people whining about repair costs, is it because they're wrenchlets or are these legitimate complaints?

And if its not too much of a bother, can you link one of those hp kits?
highly depends on which dealership you go to, and most people go to dealers if they don't do it themselves. many alfa franchises are alongside maserati franchises. maserati franchises are about 50/50 independent/ferrari-affiliated, and if you go to a horsey dealership you get horsey dealership service prices on your bmw 330 competitor.
most parts are pretty cheap, it being mopar
>And if its not too much of a bother, can you link one of those hp kits?
sure, eurocompulsion sells it, and ideal race is developing their own package for a 12.0X quarter mile
also, if you just want to slap something in on a saturday and get instant power, get a jb4 piggyback and boost that shit up to 29-30psi. there are two jb4s for alfa, and the quad jb4 is notoriously shit while the 2L jb4 is legendarily great
Watching some undercarriage and suspension component review, this car just seems too fucking good to be true at the current used market value. What in the fuck is going on.
>what the fuck is going on
the italians are too proud to advertise, so they can't sell cars and nobody wants to buy a car they haven't seen their neighbor drive safely without issue
also here's the blog about taking it to a 12s 1/4
Thanks a ton. If I post in around two weeks about buying one, you'll know it was me.
hell yeah, jump on the last good internal combustion sedan while you can!
Alright this must be a trick, but how in the world are these in the 30k range?


I can legitimately get a top trim monster for so cheap? What is the running cost for this if its mostly just daily driven? Is it really a waste of money if you're just going to pack on highway miles, or is the novelty, performance, sound and feel worth it to you?
>What is the running cost for this if its mostly just daily driven?
my full-coverage insurance is about $180 a month
I spend about $50 a week on fuel dailying the quad
I set aside about $100/month on maintenance, to accumulate money for brakes and major services
but this all depends on your driving habits.
it's in the 40k range not the 30k range, and some of the leather looks kinda rough around the wheel (also the steering wheel alcantara is pretty much shot)
>my full-coverage insurance is about $180 a month
That is what I'm currently spending on two vehicles, being the family car and my dated daily.
>$50 a week on fuel
What I'm currently spending on my daily that takes premium.
>$100/month on maintenance
I'm confident I can swing that.

True its in the 40k range, I'm just somehow in disbelief that this kind of vehicle is now in my price range. Bonkers car. I would say I'm somewhat hesitant as I live in Ann Arbor and we do get snow and salt.

How many miles have you put on yours, and would you be able to share any big expenses that surprised or bothered you?
Reading this thread is making me have to take deep breaths and tell myself that I didn't completely fuck up by getting a Mazda6 instead of an Alfa
Damn I can't even imagine the amount of copium someone has to be huffing to put their hard earned dollars down on one of these things. It looks basically like a bmw but with a more awkward nose, people think "Italian = exotic" but it really just means indifferent assembly, poor dealer network, expensive parts that are always on backorder.... And for what? So you can drive generic cuckbox #4 and kid yourself that its somehow different?
You'd have to be some special kind of stupid and pretty bad with finances to pick one of these things.
"Golly I wonder why it's so inexpensive?". Don't worry chum, you'll find out.
you absolutely fucked up, not even getting a newer platform 3 and sticking with the ancient floppy platform 6
>I would say I'm somewhat hesitant as I live in Ann Arbor and we do get snow and salt
aluminum suspension, covered aero-friendly underbody, really the only thing to worry about is abrasives kicked up by cars in front of you and that's what PPF is for
Serpentine belt removal on the V6 model


Artificial difficulty. Car is made for gatekeeping.
It has a proper suspension, unlike BMWs, and it has better steering (BMW has probably the worst steering in the world). So it’s basically a 3 series BMW without the worst aspects. Seems clear to me why some people might want one.
Took a 4 cyl auto Giulia for a long drive about a year ago. I thought it was a great chassis both in the twisties and on the highway. No squeaks or rattles in this used example. My only gripe was that it was too quiet inside and didn't sound like old Alfaa I remember and love.

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