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What supercars are the most reliable and need the least maintenance?
this thing was built for that. it is its one and only purpose.
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Mosler mt900
Mazda 3 Turbo, it's basically a luxury supercar
It's a shame they made so few.
Was the production capped by Honda, or was the demand (from actual buyers) just that low?
I think I read they were losing money on every one sold, so it would make sense to keep volume low to minimize the loss.
But it's a shame.
When I worked at one of those supercar track day rental companies, the GT3 RS's were definitely the most reliable cars we had in the fleet. They rarely broke down and they were shockingly easy on the consumables. Surprisingly, the 488 was decently reliable too. We blew out a turbo in one once, but otherwise they were rarely broken down. The worst by far were the McLarens. They were so shitty that we ended up removing them from the fleet because they were constantly fucked.
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halo 3 pontiac g6
How did 911s compare to GT3s?
How’s the Italians?
I only ever hear bad shit about them but they’re still the gold standard
We never had 911's with our specific fleet, so I couldn't tell you. The only Porsches we had were 3 GT3's, but they were awesome. As long as you have a lift, really not that bad to service either.
As far as Italians go, we had 458's, 488's, and Huricans.
The Huricans were decent. We had some fuel issues with both of ours from time to time, but they were otherwise pretty okay. They were definitely shitty to work on though, as you'd expect. One of the Lambos went down for a while because we adjusted the seat so many times between all the customers that it sawed through the main wiring harness that ran under the drivers seat and the car shut down when a customer was driving, kek.
The Ferraris were not bad, but we did have a couple of turbo issues. The biggest issues with the Ferraris were getting parts. we had to have a friend of the shop who was on good terms with Ferrari buy our parts for us since those pastaniggers didn't like our operation and wouldn't sell any parts to us.
The Ferrari is way more fun to drive than the Lambo, imo. But everyone at the shop's favorite car to drive was always either the GT3 or the AMG GTS.
Exotics Las Vegas?
If not, we had very similar results.
Although I'd put the GT-R at the top of the most reliable list.
It was also faster than most cars around the track.
McClarens broke down a lot but customer service was top notch.
>McClaren breaks down- they send a flatbed and ask for as many details leading up to the failure as possible. Fix cat and send it back as quickly as possible.
>Ferrari finds out we have one of their cars- warranty void, VIN blacklisted, another threatening letter received in the mail.
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Anything thats basically a metal frame with some form of Ford or Chevy OHV V8 in it.

So basically kit cars.

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