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I feel based and yet, it feels like I am betraying my hot hatch brethren.
I understand. The first time you romp a V8 and it roars to life it's fucking over, you'll never want less again.
every engine is just lesser. and you can do the thing with your hands now
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Pics of my new V8… its a 5.0 L
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Based just don't drive it into a concrete pillar
Hold up what the FUCK is that
I bet its exhaust is so muted
Put an exhaust on it
I plan to put an electronic one on it. I want it linked to sport mode so it loud only in sport.
>street parked
if you would just buy a craigslist camry then you'd save enough money to move out of mom's house
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Low tier bait
I got a V8 STS as a beater, and I'm probably not gonna drive anything less. Maybe I'll get a truck if I need to do truck things at some point.
auto or stick?
you are forgiven
i would make the move outta my Focus ST if the rumors about a V8 Mustang four-door become real
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Lol… lmao even
kek you fucked up, BADLY
what, stinky rancid faggot? i bet you drive in your car with bad breath all the time
First post
Best post
The day that the last V8 is junked will be a sad day. Inshallah it shall never happen.
you will forever be disappointed of miniturbo 4 bangers an/o/n
>t. man who ain't never owned a car that wasn't a v8
wish that was my first v8 experience, mine was actually an e92 m3 that honestly felt kinda slow and lifeless mostly
This. Triple digit speeds are achieved so easily as the engine roars, intoxicating.
(you) here, the best ones are the ones that are crossplane yet revvy, like the LT1 (70's/90's/10's doesn't matter)
>loads of low end torque
>>but you can rev it out like a honda
awww man
I wouldn't call a 6500 rpm redline revvy
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just wait until you get used to the power.
then 400hp feels slow.
and then you look at even faster cars
Not exactly true. I love my V8, but I get just as much joy out of my Cummins. I also relish any opportunity to hop in a sporty 4 Cylinder and rev the absolute piss out of it. Had the chance to blast about a bit in a Fiesta ST recently and I was giggling like a retard every time the blowoff happened.

I dream of an SRT4 Neon.
It's not about pure power figures, it's about power to weight ratio and handling
that start up roar brehs
It's already such an obese car that it having two more doors doesn't really look off.
>post 90s Jaguar XJ
anon, I...
Its okay, he’s retarded but happy…. Let him live in his retarded happy little world.
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i dont know a single thing about cars. i asked that question to appear cool to you guys but i dont even know how to drive standard. can you explain to me whats wrong with my question
go back to r/pol
my home boards are /v/ and /fit/ with some /o/ in there
Bought my first V8 six years ago. I will never be able to own another car in my life without a minimum of 400 horses
I’m 24 and never driven a V8. What’s it like bros
It feels like you never have to prove anything about your car to anyone ever again. You're just satisfied with what you got.
There is no shame in getting old and getting an appropriate car for your age to enjoy retirement with. It's a nice car for an older gentleman.

They sound nice but they feel slow as fuck compared to electric vehicles
my dickens is longer than 4 inches so i don't need to drive a v8

Buddy you probably need therapy. Just find a pretty psychologist, it'll do you good. You don't need to prove anything with your car to anyone, nobody cares.
even the slow v8s are fun
I would never call it a V8 if I had that. I'd call it a jaaaaaaaaaaaaaag

How come every single namefag is a subhuman? It's like a law of nature
>enjoying jaaaags makes you subhuman
It stirs the soul. Other car enthusiasts will get it. Normies will only think about the fuel consumption.
I think V8s are overrated and a poorfag cope
t. i5/i6/V10/V12 gang
If I wanna upgrade from the jap and korean shitboxes I'm used to to a C5 vette, would the cost of ownership be more reasonable than one would think? Aside from having to use premium gas and the inevitable insurance hike?
ok mr president of entire car community

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