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What is the fucking deal with people trying to get 2-3000 over EXCELLENT blue book value? I just want to buy a car -at- the actual value. These people on Facebook marketplace are actually insane. Nobody is going to pay 20,000 dollars for a 6 year old 40,000 mile Honda civic in the rust belt.
Just save up a decent down payment and buy new. It's not worth the hassle or the money to buy used anymore unless you're looking for a collector car that you know you're going to put work into.
All I have is 25,000 cash and I don’t have the credit to finance. I can’t get dealers to budge an inch to get me into even an LX civic at 25otd. I’d prefer to spend no more than 17,000 on a used vehicle and it needs to be in excellent condition. 17,000 should get me a sub 50k mile compact car or crossover. Boomers are fucking retarded though and see high retail scumlots selling their model car and think it’s worth dealer retail. They don’t even bother to blue book or research sale prices.
Cars represent a significant capital cost for most people. If you have $10-$15,000 tied up in something, and you need another car worth the same amount, or need to pay off a big bill, it’s not surprising you are going to go for that amount.
If you need the money you’d think you’d sell it for a fair price so it doesn’t take a year to get rid of it. Most of these cars are old enough that they don’t even have loans on them anymore. The civic in question I know for a fact sold for 22,500 brand new. Guy thinks he can own it for 6 years and sell it after the warranty expires for 2500 less than he paid. Cars are supposed to lose 20% of their value the moment you drive them off the lot. I guess my only option is to look into less reliable vehicles like domestics.
The other thing is banks aren’t going to loan that kind of money for that year model car. How do these retards expect someone to pay 20 grand cash for a vehicle when 70% of the country has less than 1000 dollars in their savings. Boomers refuse to give anything to the younger generation even their shitbox old cars.
Normans are insane. Plain and simple. And I'm not just saying this as a car salesman, also that, but they are literally batshit and its made worse by ego and entitlement.

Go try and buy an air conditioner or a fridge on CL. I just did.
They want 80% of sticker for and ac or a fridge from 2005. I just spoke to a moron who wanted 95% of the sticker on a gaming rig that was 3 years old and clearly well used, it had been listed for four months.
This kind of mental illness is only bloated by things like KBB.
This is america. Prices aren't set by Kelly's polit beurau or the JD power's secretariat, they're set by the market. But idiots have their pride and will sit on a pile of shit for 2 years waiting for what they believe is "fair" while their book value drops by 1000 a month.
They want what is "fair" just "fair", which is them ripping you off, in their mind, that's fair, since they are the stars of their own movie in which the world owes them more than something, but most things.
>I can’t get dealers to budge an inch to get me into even an LX civic at 25otd
My sister just did a month ago. Try again it should totally be possible. Look at Honda dealers in other cities.
Exactly. And it’s not just cars. I see this heavily on the used guitar market too. People trying to get 80% plus of retail value on used guitars. The used market used to be -used- as in affordable second hand. Now it’s just bloated with arrogant entitled losers. The Covid shit didn’t help but we ain’t in that market anymore. Not my fault if you paid 20% over retail for your car mid panic. I will only buy something that is fairly priced, and I’m the one with the money.
How do you have 25k but bad credit?
I just called one and they want 25000 for a used 2024. The new lx they want 26 plus tax title and fees. How in the world is a 2024 civic lx going for 26k. I bought my new LX in 2019 for 17,500.
Injury settlement. I also have 25k a year in grants to go back to school for that injury. Filing for BK next year.
I'm actually amazed a dealer gave price quotes over the phone. Nonetheless, that still leaves a glimmer of hope that you can show up in person and jew them down a couple grand. Are you big and/or tall?
Yes I’m 6’1 220. I’ve worked in car sales. The problem is that because I’m a cash buyer they have no motivation to move on price for me. They’re not making anything on the back end and they can screw someone twice with the same car. I haven’t tried sitting down and working a deal on anything yet but I’ve basically been told where the door is for even questioning their retail price. One dealer came down 600 dollars on a used rav 4 that was already 5000 overpriced. It’s all so tiresome
correct. dealerships work for money, just like you, and every other business on earth. you can go be a time waster and spend the 4 weekends of the limited free time and stay you have on this earth trying to save 1-2 thousand dollars off a sales manager who fucked up on an auction car and needs to get rid of it, if that's really how you like to spend your time. or you could just stop being a penny pinching fag and allow them to make $1.5k and go enjoy the beach or the park with your family.
>They want 80% of sticker for and ac or a fridge from 2005.
You do realize the dollar had >150% of the purchasing power back then compared to today right? Not my fault the fed leaves the printers on overdrive... the fridge still works fine.
The real answer is that you only really see the shit that is priced obnoxiously because it sits on the listings for weeks and months. Stuff gets priced to sell all the time, but the thing about stuff that’s priced to sell is that it sells and the listing gets taken down and you don’t see it.
It's not just cars, many things have gotten expensive, even housing. Oil prices went high which makes everything expensive, as most goods are transported across land and sea by oil, even trucks.
Trucks, container ships with massive diesel engines, planes and cars and motorcycles. Even asphalt, the modern world runs on oil. An armed force runs on oil, war for oil, oil for war.
Okay retard. You sit on your fridge, "i know what I got" shitbox, and glorious nippon ac for another 2 years.
Market gives no fucks.
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Crude is drilled from the ground and processed into gasoline and other fuels. Motorcycles are highly fuel efficient due to the light weight and two wheels, also making them move faster with the same amount of horsepower. The tradeoff is the seating and storage capacity as well as the difficulty and safety in driving.
Retard I’m not saying the dealership can’t make money but when they’re getting trade ins for 16,000, putting 500 dollars in tires on them, and charging 21,995 without even 2 grand of wiggle room I’m not interested. I have only spent maybe 2 hours in dealerships total and none of them had a car I was remotely interested in making an offer on.

I think I found a car anyway. A 2019 Honda insight ex with 80,000 miles for 16,000. It’s in excellent condition and has all the features I’m looking for. Going to look at it tomorrow at noon.
I'm sure you'll find a reason to not like it and waste someone's time, strokersenpai. The you'll go buy a kia, like other faggot of your ilk you gay italian girl.
> I will only buy something that is fairly priced, and I’m the one with the money.
What guys like you don't seem to understand is how impotent you really are as an individual, your money has no power. The bank's money is all that matters. Your neighbors living month to month cashflowinging their entire lives on credit is who sets the price floor, not you.

I heard it all the time selling cars after covid
> you'll never sell this, who is going to buy a $120,000 truck?
>10k markup? you'd have to be insane!
> why won't you sell at msrp? you still make money, you're just greedy!
> I'll just wait and laugh when you go out of business!

Meanwhile I was pulling 20k/mo and had a waiting list of customers who presigned on deals and placed cash deposits to secure their vehicle at full markup when it wasn't even off the assembly line yet.

Why would I cut you a break and make a measly 500 bucks when someone else will gladly pay full asking and let me make a nice 5k? Because you're a nice guy? Because you promise to be a loyal customer and come back for your maintenance and refer your friends? Fuck off lmao.

Over 80% of cars sold are financed, meaning car prices are a function of the average income and rental rates, not the value of their components or the utility they provide.

Car loans are the second largest recurring expense behind rent/mortgage. Banks are typically only willing to lend to borrowers who maintain a sub 50% DTI, meaning if you take the average monthly income, divide it by two and subtract the average rent price that leaves you with the upper end of what most people are qualified to pay for a car payment. That number is a bit uncomfortable for most people though and prices out the lower income side, so the average car payment ends up being ~60-80% of that number as it represents the entire customer base and the negotiation down from sticker (which is usually priced at the upper end). (take payment and multiply by 58 to get average vehicle price)
I’m sure you’ll find some reason to sleep at night after making 10,000 dollars profit profit on a shitbox used car. Convincing them that 23% interest and 5k over book is just “how things be these days” while knowing your finance manager backloads 10% interest. You are financially bankrupting people and putting them 10,000 upside down with a 72 month loan they’ll pay 30 grand in interest on the moment they drive off the lot. But hey whatever YOU need to do to put shekels in your pocket. Jewboy.
Jewish hands typed this post. You are gloating about ruining people’s lives. You know they can’t afford the vehicles you sell them. And then you boast about how much money you make off of their misfortune. You are literally a piece of shit.
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>Convincing them that 23%
Pay your bills. If you pay your bills you're paying 6.5%. If you don't and you still NEED a fancy new car, then yes, 23%
> 5k over book is just
5k over book isn't how things are in the internet age, retards think this and then shop 5 dealerships and eventually get tired and just buy something they don't like on their last stop.
> backloads 10% interest
my fin manager is the best in the group and at most makes 3% on clincally retarded ppl. mostly its warranties and other bullshit.
>putting them 10,000 upside down
lmao, are you a moron? do you know how many fucking retards i turn away a day who are willingly trying to get out of a truck or car they just bought and are 15k upside down in because they "just don't like it." literally by the dozen. Americans are fat on changs debt. most frequent deal killer is loan to value on idiots trying to role 15k of upside down into a pile of shit. banks and "le joos" wont even lend to these people and they're calling dealerships 10 at a time to get someone to allow them to do it.
honestly the mob would make a killing if they got into auto, there's so many fat retards slurping chinese funded fed printing at the moment that we can't even sell to.

You think we're the debil but we aren't. Car sales is a shadow of what it used to be and profits are nuked to almost nothing, hence all the consolidation into gigga groups and begging banks for bigger and bigger loans.
yeah I kind of agree with you, trying to KBB the dealership only works if you're buying an older used car that's been on the lot for a while and youre paying cash
Kill yourself, salesman scum.
you are butthurt because you can't buy a brand new car
Just get an old Corolla lmao those things are tanks
I’m not butthurt about anything I’ve worked in dealerships I know how scummy your average salesman is. They’re all drug addicts too.
I’ll see you in hg when it breaks down
The internet ruined it, or rather, smart phones in the pocket of the average asshole ruined it. Instead of selling something off for cheap to a guy in town just to get rid of it and leave a few dollars richer, immediate access to all the auction data and current listings for a product has led to people obsessing over getting as much money as they can. The expansion of the market to the national, and sometimes international stage also ruins it. You don't need to get really lucky finding a sucker in your town to buy a thing when you have the whole internet worth of suckers to advertise to. Guns have also suffered from this. Gone are the days of crazy deals at pawn shops or gun shows because anyone can look up and see the most they can possibly squeeze out of it online.
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don't listen to an/o/n OP new cars are shite
>find a car down south, something nice that's 15-25 years old, it's well within your budget
then fly down and drive it back up
>again, within your budget, a nice 15-25 year old car down here is probably 15k
If women/parents/zillenials shit on you for driving an old town car or sum shid instead of being a finance cuck in a boogmobile dissociate from them
I should add
>a *VERY VERY NICE* 15-25 y/o reliable and classy car down here is worth 15k
and, if I may add once more, it'll hold its value far better than a nu-car
>and even if it somehow doesn't...
>Jewish hands typed this post.
Nope, but you live in a jewish economy and no amount of whining is going to change that. Ignorance is no excuse, time to learn how it works, it's getting increasingly more kiked.
>You are gloating about ruining people’s lives. You know they can’t afford the vehicles you sell them. And then you boast about how much money you make off of their misfortune. You are literally a piece of shit.
The people paying 1200/mo for a denali aren't exactly strapped for cash dude, and you certainly don't have to put a gun to their head to convince them to sign on a vehicle they've been salivating over for months.

Your argument has more merit at the lower end places I sold but you also have to understand that the niggers asking "how much down on dis whip" and getting raped at 25% interest on a 10 year old altima also have little to no intention of repaying that loan (which is none of my concern, I'm not the bank).

It's not my responsibility or obligation to teach finance to ADULTS who are old enough to serve in the military, competent enough to hold a job, a drivers' license, maintain healthy credit score, and earn enough to qualify for the payments, and have saved up enough for a down payment. If you can do all those things and still want to pay too much for a car that's not my problem, that's your right to be retarded. And to that I say: "great choice, sign here"... because arguing with them serves no purpose. Even if you wanted to help these people you fucking can't.

You think you're redpilled? You have no fucking clue how bad things really are.
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poor example, a fridge from '05 will still be running in another 20 years; a
>Nufrig™ Webconnect™ 2.05 with cloud subscription
will not be
Fuck the 21st century
Not only is that shit annoying because we're paying more for the same stuff that isn't getting any younger, it's harmful to enthusiast communities. Sure, you got a few great sales over the years, and now you get to look around and wonder why no young people are getting into your hobby. You priced them out of it, dickhead, and now it's going to die with you.
>oh but do you forget?
the boomers are getting screwed over too, they have to somehow make it through15-30 years of retirement in <current economy>
>the bankers and managerial class ate it all
Yeah I've been looking at some 80s sedans (mostly gm) and there's a lot
portable telecoms are the worst thing that's ever happened to the world
your logic does not apply to indemand cars.

you cant get a nice car for beater price cause you want to.
you are the target audience for a 20% apr loan at the local buy here pay here lot, lulz
>most frequent deal killer is loan to value on idiots trying to role 15k of upside down into a pile of shit.
At my last dealership our F&I director had a tier list of credit reports of the worst negative equity rollovers you've ever seen all stacked up with the names and socials blacked out.

It's strangely hilarious to see the series of bad decisions all tabulated out so succinctly, starting with one fuck up and then progressively getting worse with each successive purchase, with the lender names going from luxury to mid market until you have a hyundai loan for 75k at the bottom and "elantra" written in the finance manager's handwriting right next to it.
kek that's hilarious. I'm so sick of credit criminals. for some reason i seem to be the dealerships sin eater and get all of them.
GM b-body is goated, try to find a 350 sbc
>just steer clear of the HT4100 engine, mainly in caddies from '82-'86 but in some until '95
I have stock that is unamiously agreed by analysts to be worth 10$. It's trading at 4$. Boo hoo hoo. KBB is trash. Price is what people in your area are willing to pay.
People obviously aren’t willing to pay because they aren’t selling lol. But you know what you got right lmao.
>I have stock that is unamiously agreed by analysts to be worth 10$. It's trading at 4$.
you should probably buy some more, huh?
KBB has been well off the mark since 2020.
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>Because you're a nice guy? Because you promise to be a loyal customer and come back for your maintenance and refer your friends? Fuck off lmao.
based and glengarry glen-ross pilled
>Your neighbors living month to month cashflowinging their entire lives on credit is who sets the price floor
the solution is to hang all debt slaves.
>t. car salesmen who's behind on quota
yeah, buying off FB is bad. But unfortunately car sales professionals are even worse. It'd be nice to deal business with sane people but that doesnt exist.
anyone who believes this bullshit: Go through the car buying experience. I tried it just to see, the first dealership I went to lived up to all the horrible stereotypes.
Dont believe it? See for yourself. Car sales are scum.
cars aren't a cash flow retard
>with the lender names going from luxury to mid market until you have a hyundai loan for 75k at the bottom and "elantra" written in the finance manager's handwriting right next to it.
fucking damn it, can all the debtslaves hurry up and default to start the next recession?
as someone else who used to be in the bidness; go fuck yourself.

wanna know what group of people are worse than the car sales people? the people who argue with and complain about car sales people. its like complaining about cyberbullying. just walk away, there is nothing anyone NEEDs at a dealership.

reminds me of this guy we called "rolly polly," because he was as fat as he was tall. he would come every 2 years to trade his single cab silverado for a new one and complain the entire time about everything. after the 5th car the f&i guy asked him, "sir, if you are so dissatisfied with the service you receive here, why do you keep buying cars here?" he was stunned and had nothing to say.

glad I'm out now but all the money I made charging idiots over sticker for their bing bing wahoo went towards a down payment and now I own a home so it was all worth it in the end.
and you see people bragging about "debtmaxxing" and shit, which I find hilarious. I had a dumb friend of a friend who shows up to my house while I'm making lunch and starts bragging about his new credit card and how he doesn't have to pay anything "yet" and I'm sitting there just floored, do these people know how credit works?
I've bought houses before and shit; the first one I bought there was a pretty intensive screening process prior to involving possible aliases and etc, iirc
I think debtmaxxing is a meme
>just give me your money for doing nothing except lobbying for laws making it illegal to not have to talk to me if you want a new car
Car salesman continue being every bit the scum they've been portrayed as going back decades never forget that. You ever want easy ragebait head on down to leddit and hit up their car salesman board.
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if its so easy, why don't you do it?
Call up Ford and buy a truck directly from them? Its illegal. If you're referring to anything else I never implied anything else and its your inferiority complex trying to start internet fights that I won't be a part of. I'm sure an HVAC contractor would be right up your alley to argue with as you both are quick to defend how valuable you are and no one can do what you do.
The funny thing about prices is that I don't need to lower the price to sell, because the US Government is constantly lowering the price all the time.
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You said "just give me your money for doing nothing. . ." So its fair for me to respond:
>If (selling cars) is so easy why don't you do it (sell cars)?

By the way, the NADA is not made up of car salesmen or anyone talking to you on 4chan. Their membership is the owner of the car dealers. They are a political organization that lobbies the government but that is not their sole reason for existence.

Manufacturers like dealerships because all they have to do is make the cars and market them and the dealers take care of the retail aspect of the business and all of the obligations that come with that. They also provide tons of capital which means the factories can sell lots of cars in regular lots (as soon as the cars are invoiced the dealer pays for them, its their job to use a floorplan and their revenue to regularly buy the correct amount of inventory). If the manufacturers had to retail the cars themselves they would have a much less steady cash flow and it would introduce all sorts of other problems. Tesla can get away with it because they have government subsidies and a overinflated share price providing the capital a dealer normally would.

Feel free to keep crying about dealers, it has never taken me more than five minutes to buy a car for a great price and even though I don't work in the car industry any longer I can still make that happen because I know the magic words (no I'm not telling)
Nothing he said was bullshit though. I'm not apologizing for the overall degeneracy of car sales but it's scummy for the same reason many other retail industries are: the customers.

The customers are shit. They are arrogant, rude, confrontational, constantly lying to you, constantly accusing you of shit, overly defensive, extremely petty, the list goes on.

The truth is as a car salesman if you get caught blatantly lying you run an extremely high risk of losing your job. Dealers are petrified of legitimate complaints to the BBB and bad reviews with actual justification behind them, potential investigation and a tarnished reputation is a big deal. It's more of "what you don't say" than what you say if you know what I mean. We offer relevant information and ask the right questions to let you talk yourself into a sale and just shake your hand in agreement at the end.

Customers on the other hand can treat you like absolute shit, try to provoke you, and lie through their teeth without consequence. With nothing to stop them of course they take full advantage.

I've had guys swing on me for no reason, flash guns in their waistband, call me every insult you can think of, lie to my boss and accuse me of hitting on their wife, lie and claim I damaged their trade in (attempted insurance scam), and all sorts of insane behavior just because they felt uncomfortable and wanted to gain the upper hand in the interaction somehow.

Don't believe it? Go sell cars for a month and see for yourself. Customers are scum. Be 100% honest and ethical, be as courteous as you can possibly be and do your best to legitimately help your customers. Please, report back and tell us how much this experience positively impacts your view of the general public...
>start the next recession?
You really want them to print even MORE money?
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>Manufacturers like dealerships because all they have to do is make the cars and market them and the dealers take care of the retail aspect of the business and all of the obligations that come with that. They also provide tons of capital which means the factories can sell lots of cars in regular lots (as soon as the cars are invoiced the dealer pays for them, its their job to use a floorplan and their revenue to regularly buy the correct amount of inventory). If the manufacturers had to retail the cars themselves they would have a much less steady cash flow and it would introduce all sorts of other problems.
This is something 99% of people just don't understand. Also the fact that the majority of dealership inventory is purchased on credit, and that dealers have little to no say in manufacturer pricing. People will argue tooth and nail that dealers are the greedy ones for raising prices while manufacturers are stuffing the invoice price full of a bunch of add-ons that used to be dealer options only a few years ago.

All that on-star subscription and appearance package bullshit you don't want? Yeah we make zero dollars off that now and we don't have the option to not sell it to you anymore because it's already built into the car and paid for by the dealer. Manufacturers want all the profit for themselves and have decided the best way to make this happen is by producing less vehicles, bloating up the factory price to the absolute upper end of affordability and getting all that money instantly once they ship the cars out since dealers are required to purchase set amounts of vehicles as per their franchise-manufacturer agreements. (oh also they charge you fees if you don't meet a quota for a certain percentage of new car customers buying their loans from the manufacturer's financing division).

It's just a big gay train, we fuck the customers while the manufacturers fuck us and the banks and regulators fuck the manufacturers.
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>It's just a big gay train, we fuck the customers while the manufacturers fuck us and the banks and regulators fuck the manufacturers.

The best are the surveys. When I worked for Audi the sales department had to maintain a rolling 3 month average of 4.90/5 to be eligible for the quarterly manufacturer money, which if the dealership did not get the sales managers lose 25% of their pay. It also allowed management to obfuscate the profit from the sales people and then redistribute it with bullshit bonuses that depend on the GMs feelings towards you.

Whenever I see a customer complaining about a salesperson I think "what do you expect? he is either going through his 3rd divorce and had to switch to evan williams in his coffee instead of jack daniels or has been up on a coke binge with hookers for 3 days and his landlord just shut his water off."

Everybody knows its fucked, including you. So why do you keep voluntarily signing up for the humiliation ritual and then complaining when exactly what you expect to happen, happens? Then blaming the lowest guy on the totem pole who is simply part of the game. I did it because I needed to make a few bucks relatively quickly, and it was fine for that. That being said, its not charity work.
>The best are the surveys. When I worked for Audi the sales department had to maintain a rolling 3 month average of 4.90/5 to be eligible for the quarterly manufacturer money, which if the dealership did not get the sales managers lose 25% of their pay. It also allowed management to obfuscate the profit from the sales people and then redistribute it with bullshit bonuses that depend on the GMs feelings towards you.

lol shit I had almost memoryholed surveys. Such aids. Even happy customers will fail you on the surveys sometimes just by accident or illiteracy.

We had similar standards when I sold Nissan, I don't remember the specific quotas but the kicker was getting the total number of surveys in. It wasn't just the scores but they also started requiring a really high percentage of new vehicles sold to have completed surveys for the store to be eligible for quarterly bonuses.

There was a two week lag from date of sale until the survey got sent via email and the only real rules were that you couldn't send customers the answer key and the survey had to be completed by the customer, so our standard practice was to bribe customers right after handing over the keys to NOT do the survey but come back in and we'd walk them through it on their phone in two weeks when the received it (and give them a free tank of gas and a car wash or a dash-mat or whatever). We had good scores but issues getting the required amount. We started doing them remotely by phone as well but that wasn't enough to hit quota so eventually we just started faking them by registering the surveys with burner email addresses for any customer who might prove mildly difficult, rotated IPs via vpns for each customer, and completed them ourselves at home.

Of course one retarded manager had to blow it and did two separate surveys on his personal phone on the dealership wifi which immediately got flagged by manufacturer, iirc it got pinned on some greenpea who was washing out anyway.
Cameras too. It's unironically easier and cheaper to buy a refurb camera from the manufacturer than to wait for a deal to come up on Facebook Marketplace or even eBay. The eBay listings sell for 80% of their new retail for a 5-10 year old camera. The marketplace sellers are all scammers or they want 90% of what they paid or even more than the refurb sales price for a well used camera. Most the Sony Alpha Series cameras I see for sale on Facebook are third worlders usually Indonesians or Filipinos running shipping scams.
Quantitative easing isn't money printing, recessions are what pulls excess money out of the system.
>be US bank circa 2005
>loan 400k mortgage to black sandwich artist
>2008/9 hits, he can't pay it back
>bank still has $300k in equity in the house, but now they can only sell it for $200k.
>federal reserve says we'll pay you $300k for the mortgage
>who ever buys the house next pays $200k to the federal reserve which gets shredded (money going out of the fed is "printed" money going in is "shredded")
>$100k difference sits on the fed balance sheet doing absolutely nothing until it rolls off and the fed "realizes" a loss

The bank has ~$100k less money than before they issued the loan and the $200k spent by whoever bought the house on the market was also destroyed.

This is why there was no inflation during or after the 2008 recession, because it pulled all the money from the junk loans out and banks stopped handing out said junk loans.

vids related (by the guy who coined the term "quantitative easing")
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link also related
the COVID inflation was planned by the federal reserve years in advance to make up for the lack of inflation during the previous decade. they did this by giving black rock helicopter money to go out and spend for this exact purpose. it wasn't the $600 stimmy checks or the COVID relief stuff. the federal reserve made a "facility" for exactly this purpose.

well "inflation expectations" were also a big part of it to. they just spread a bunch of FUD about inflation and companies took that as a license to raise prices for no reason.
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probably should've posted this one first
Well I didn’t even go look at the insight because insurance rates are double what other similar year model cars / suvs are. Not sure why that is but I’m not paying 2500 a year for insurance.
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Cars that are a good deal sell quickly.
Cars that are ridiculously overpriced sit on there forever.
Hence selection bias, if you go casually looking, you will only see overpriced shit.
You have to stalk marketplace multiple times a day for months.
>I know the magic words
so are car salesmen all freemasons too?
>be me
>spend two hours with costumer
>come back with their trade value
>right in the center of KBB fair value (almost never happens as KBB is rigged towards consumers)
>customer storms out of the showroom cursing
People are idiots. So it goes.
They list it above what the value is because they know you're going to haggle.
I have no idea where you are but 12gs will get you a sub 100k mile r129 sl500. Or 7k for a sub 100k w202 c280
Make them an offer. Took me a while to realize; most sellers will go down 10% without a 2nd thought.
Its annoying cause I was passing them up at first, not realizing the con ><
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lmao no but my grandpa was. weird group though, would not want to associate.

in reality I am friends with quite a few people still doing it and I know I could get a sweetheart deal depending on what I wanted. I don't want a new car though.

the truth is, depending on what you are buying a "good," deal is different. for all the people complaining about paying over sticker, when I switched from Chevrolet to Audi I arranged for the GM (guy makes like $50k a month) to buy a Suburban for $2500 over sticker from my old dealership because he didn't want ownership to know. At the time, just getting a car was a good deal and the guy paying has been in the business for 30 years.

my advice to consumers from someone who sold cars for 10 years: fuck cars, find something better to waste your money on.
My line for this was always "I'll pay you retail for your car as long as you pay retail for mine... or if you don't like that we can use wholesale prices... you're paying the same amount either way, the numbers just look different on paper, tell me what number you want to see and I'll write it up"

People are much more embarrassed to ask for huge discount than they are to demand more money on their trade so if you explain that it's functionally the same thing you're basically just giving them an ultimatum that invites them to either come back down to earth or admit they want an unreasonable discount.
I hope you and the idiots that gladly finance the slop that you sell go into a wood chipper
Finance the amount with no penalty for paying early then just it off in full the second you leave the dealer

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