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>turbo corvette

superchargerbros…the Europeans are cucking us…
>1000+ hp vettes
proud to be an American today, sick car
>the Europeans are cucking us…
More like being better than europeans at their own game
Finally. Supercharging is homosexual. Either go NA or go Turbo.
Wait it has 1k hp and isn't hybrid? Damn. The old rumors were that it would use the hybrid motor and only make 950
1000hp from just a V8 is wild. Kind of... too wild.
That is a homosexual opinion
The Final Corvette for the Final Decade
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It was a good run for ICE cars... They are really hitting their peaks, but it will all be discontinued soon.
People have been turboing C7's forever. You need to if you want to make real power. Superchargers have their limit.
>People have been turboing C7's forever
Not with over 1k horsepower, on pump gas, revving to 8000, with a warranty
Why the fuck are you here? Why is everybody here a production cuck? There are a plethora of companies out there who will sell a crate engine with over 1k horsepower, on pump gas, revving to 8000, with a warranty.
>There are a plethora of companies out there who will sell a crate engine with over 1k horsepower, on pump gas, revving to 8000, with a warranty.
link them

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GM I.... I apologize
Neither of those are revving to 8k and neither has a warranty.
They both do over 7000 and come with a warranty. Let me guess... You think pushwods can't wev? Go back to your Gran Autismo, kid.
>t. homosexual man
>They both do over 7000 and come with a warranty.
7000<8000. No warranty
>if I just move the goalposts and lie I can win
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Actually you also lied about the revs too, Both do 6800RPMs with the steve morris' peak HP at a sad 6100rpm. Pushrods and turbos don't rev.
>pump gas
did they just hire everyone from SRT that stellantis abandoned?
The new Vette makes it's peak power at 7k but revs to 8k.
>Tfw made and lost enough to buy the ZR1 in crypto in one month and am broke again
Stellantis *did* fire the entire SRT division, so I wouldn't be surprised.
also in article:
>GM plans to increase e-ray to 10% of sales from 3%
fucking GM just give it to us straight; the e-ray isn't selling what you hoped despite it being the most based hybrid. womp womp?
Yeah, fuck wrenchlet retards who think they need to spend $140k to get a 1000hp corvette. All you need to do is buy a regular old base model $70k C8, buy a 1000hp turbo LS for a measly 40k, stick the new engine in, I mean how hard could that be honestly, and pow. Only $110k plus labor. Then spend another 30k upgrading the suspension, transmission, brakes, wheels, tires, and aero, and you're done. Why spend 140k on a car when you can spend 140k and hundreds of hours of your own personal time building the same car that won't be as good and will probably break
>1k hp corvette from the factory
nigga now is not the time to be sad
>1000hp twin turbo v8 from factory
well done america
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>No leafspings
>No pushrods
>No superchargers
kek remember when corvette trannies swear these were superior?
>twin turbos are back
Good. Welcome back B2K
If you put a turbo kit on the 5.2 v10 from r8/huracan you could easily get in the ballpark of 1k bhp with pump gas and relativaly low boost with no changes to the engine internals. And it almost revvs to 9k rpm (8700 rpm stock)
No warranty, $200k+ car and 50k+ turbo kit (installed). It does rev to over 8k but all the turbo kits I know of don't do over 1k hp on 91 octane. They all need 100 octane to go over 1000 hp.

Just admit what Chevy did is impressive. It is.
If Trump wins he'll appoint someone to cuck the epa
It kinda is but just wait until the new nissan gtr drops with 1200 hp from the factory with a twin turbo v6
With a warranty
Not using turbo is a waste of power directly out of exhaust. And no, it will not have a rocket effect but it could spin the turbo blades.
Nissan can't even afford to make a new GTR and if they do it will be 600hp at most non-nismo and the nismo will cost $300,000

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