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How come old cars are so fucked up with recalls up the wazoos?

Each of these recalls cost billions of dollars each time. And there's like so many recalls every year from all the companies.

I'm just gonna blame outsourcing to China and third world countries and importing third worlders into America.
And I'm probably right.
Ya that's a lie.
because it's ONE bearing being destroyed on both USA and Japanese built engines.
So Toyota lied about debris and thats why they're replacing all their v6 engines?
If debris clogs the oil channels it can eat bearings.

Cars are complicated as fuck.
they issue a recall because of third world labour, and the MBAs respond by sending more labour to the third world to try and recoup costs
The difference is bev makes just don't bother to recall it until they are forced to by regulating bodies.
it's not really of lying but it's more of a Japanese thing.
they kind of play coy with problems like this if that makes sense.
they don't like to admit when they've done something wrong so it's easier to blame debris than say their own engineering.

If debris clogged any type of oil galleriesit would affect ALL the bearings in the engine.
furthermore, typically when you run metal debris through an engine; it damages all the bearings It doesn't clog.
a lot of people are too lazy or stupid to go get the fix though
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>Toyota finally caves to pressure to replace their "outdated" engines
>they break
this could be a specific issue with for example their cleaning process after machining not set up to clean out the one specific channel that supplies oil to the bearing causing issues. maybe that was contracted out or maybe not. these things are all done by machines so it could be one of the water jets was off by a cm or two and missed its passage so it never got cleaned, while the others were fine. who knows.
debris would make sense if it affected all the bearings but it's only damaging one of the main bearings and nothing else
Toyota sabotages their own shit they don't like.
IIRC this was exactly the case with Hyundai when they recalled or warrantied engines from like 2011-2013 or something. They claimed it was debris, but in 2013 they revised the oil pump and some techs say that's what was causing the issues and why the post 2013 cars (or whatever year) didn't have the problem and the warrantied engines were replaced with the revised ones.
it also doesn't make any sense for manufacturing debris to kill an engine years later. any debris large enough to cause issues would be caught by the oil filter. whereas if you have a part that's continuously giving off debris that circulates in around the crank case a bit before going through the filter, that would be far more likely to cause an issues after a few years.
Engine explosion and knockings from shoddy build quality.
it's also why your engine doesn't get fucked during break in, because all the debris is caught by the filter and it doesn't emit any additional debris afterward, modern cars don't even require a break in oil change, it's just more of an extra precaution.
Look, I'm not a Toyotafag, I just work in manufacturing. Could be a poor washer not cleaning out chips and dust and what not, could be people introducing sediment during assembly.
3 million
Not billion
it's a shitty truck
Each engine replacement costs ~$7000 each. x 100K = 700M alone in raw costs.
It's the first bearing in line from the oil pump, so it takes the brunt of the debris. Debris in your engine is such a monumental fuckup that's it's honestly more embarrassing than a weak bearing design or some other engineering issue.
There is certainly a main channel feeding all the bearings but then there should be individual channels feeding each bearing off that main channel. Maybe just one of those was not cleaned properly. Or maybe it was the last one right off where it was all accumulating in the main channel. I don't know just spitballing.
You think they're swapping engines for $29.41 a piece?

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