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How does double clutching actually work?
If you put it in neutral and rev it before shifting into a lower gear, I heard it aligns the gear shafts so the synchros don't have to do any work when you put it into gear.
But if it's in neutral isn't the engine disconnected from the transmission in the first place? How would doing anything in neutral affect something in the transmission?
when you push the clutch in it disconnects the main shaft from the engine. in neutral with the clutch disengaged, the main shaft still turns. double clutching allows the main shaft to match the engine speed, reducing wear on the synchronizers but increasing wear on the clutch followers or fingers. the gears lock to the main shaft through locking collars/synchros
double clutching is something people had to do in cars that had transmissions with no synchros. my dad’s ‘54 oval beetle had a crashbox (dogbox) trans that didn’t have synchros between 1st & 2nd and needed to be double clutched to upshift or downshift.
I have a modern car with synchros and I do whenever im going down multiple gears or going from 2nd to 1st gear.
Oh i get it. From a drivers perspective clutch in and neutral seem like the same thing but theyre actually not!
it probably doesn’t do a whole lot unless you’re doing something like going from 2nd to 1st like you stated. when upshifting, the fluid in the housing is probably slowing the main shaft down enough that the synchros aren’t doing a whole lot of work. I just use the brakes until about 1500 rpm then clutch one and brake in neutral til stop. I’m alrea do technically double clutched if I didn’t stop all the way and have to put it back into gear. I also don’t drive like a fucking retard doing 25 in parking lots so I don’t do constant shifting between the first three gears
>I just use the brakes until about 1500 rpm then clutch one and brake in neutral til stop
>. I’m alrea do technically double clutched if I didn’t stop all the way and have to put it back into gear
Same, but yeah there are situations where you need to turn and there's no stop sign, so you'll look like a retard if you stop and then go into first gear. So you legitimately need to downshift to first.
It's basically required to avoid granny shifting
>no idea I just float mine
>gear to neutral
>release clutch
>this syncs transmission and engine speed
>clutch and shift
>t. 8 speed unsynchronized
>>release clutch
>>this syncs transmission and engine speed
no it doesnt nigger it synchronises the input shaft with the engine but the output shaft is turned by the wheels
It's also necessary to avoid the 100 shot of nos blowing the welds on the intake

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