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I thought you said freedom cars could turn?
Bet he had more fun in those 5 seconds than a miata owner does in his entire ownership experience
lol started understeering and just kept turning more and more
first time buddy has attempted to push his car and turn
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What should he have done ?
It's over, Americans can't even turn left anymore...
Camaro xisters...
Not like this...
kick the clutch and spin the fuck out
Just like, not keep the gas pedal on the floor lmao.
lmao yeah until the post nut clarity hits and he realizes he payed $40k to crash and see purple miata tail lights at a home town oval track. Is this what muscle car shills having been coping over for the last 30 years?
>v8 sperging out in the presence of the legendary mazda B6(1.6)
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fpbp. there's a reason miata owners themselves on this board have admitted the camaro handles better and sold their miatas for camaros.

miata cucks want to have their revenge on the camaro for being a better sports car in every way.
No one in this board says that except the coping faggot with an F-body.
the only place GMshit looks good
If your tyres don't have the level of grip required to turn your car at the rate you are asking of them, asking them to turn your car at an EVEN GREATER rate will not help the situation.
If you overload your front tyres the only thing you can do is load them LESS - steer in less, allow your car to run wide and off line, gently apply brakes to scrub off as much speed as you can while you run wide and there's a very good chance that by the time you reach the edge of your available road the car will be going slow enough that you will be able to make the turn even from a compromised line.
not even, I would expect the difference to be larger at a track where being a fat fuck doesn't matter as much.
>track time comparison between two cars driven by the same experienced driver
>the only place GMshit looks good
yea, better engineered products tend to look better in those kinds of places.
>heh, you cucked me, but i expected your dick to be bigger. so its not even impressive that you cucked me
>Thinks about dicks and cuckoldry
lmao what a fucking faggot
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meanwhile back in reality...
ease off throttle, let the weight shift forward, wheels then grip more, and you subsequently turn more
look more like he tunnel visioned and though he was on a drag strip, didnt look like he even tried to turn.
Hit the brake, transfer weight to the front start the turn, let off the brake and ease into the gas to complete the turn
This. He was likely fixated on the miata and forgot to look forward.
The only reasonable answers ITT
That's not fucking "understeer" thats just a retard who didn't turn his fucking steering wheel
Any car will crash into a wall if you dont turn the wheel except tesla
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they can but first you need to turn the wheel in the direction you want to go
Kek. To make matters worse, I seriously doubt insurance covered a single penny of this.
Reminds me of the Nascar wall riding meme except this gentleman did the other version of it. Gamer moment.
It also lets the rear diff unlock when you let off the throttle
oh that's riiiight nucars don't get real limited slip kek
I'm so sick of people posting this shit in reference to cars handling. You're literally showing how piss poor american cars handle at speed lmao. Anything else would've stayed in the lines at that speed
Its about listening to the tires. If they are squealing they are at their max grip. At that point when things don't seem to go right its time to slow down and because of reflexes of an good attentive driver people usually do and cars driver assistance helps being in control in that panic moment. Takes some practice to start braking without them.
As for what he should have done? Should learn his car and its capabilities. Started turning too late with no room to brake. Could also have been an steering issue but thats unavoidable.
if you hear squealing, its already too late. Any time you turn it should be a stable and progressive change, regardless if its a quick change in direction or not. My guess is this guy has 0 experience and just wanted to show off his camaro, and ended up in the wall cause he's never once learned the limits of his coefficient of friction, or how weight shift affects his steering. Understeering into a wall on a small oval track is about as bad as you can get
Now post the retail prices for both
I wish C5's weren't exclusively hoarded by boomers, they are such amazing cars but even second hand ones from 2001 will still cost 20k
Right winger in action. That is what you get for not turning left haha.

Rider in the driver seat probably blamed the car and track before ever accepting own fault for not driving the car.
slow down before the curve, turn hard, hit the gas, it's fucking physics
the main point is that while burger cars might not be able to turn so well, it's never a dull moment when you try anyway
>looking better than anything
Hey why don't they sell the camaro anymore? That's right! It was so ugly and hard to look at nobody bought it!
f bodies do surprisingly well in spectator drags. there's also a dude who posts regularly here who autocrosses a third gen.
Stopped reading there
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Well yeah, it's a rental
Post your shithole's cars
Are you one of those comically fat people who travels internationally and asks people "EXCUSE ME, DO YOU SPEAK AMERICAN???"
Nobody ever said that.
The best part is it was like day 3 of ownership
>1 of 5000, in negro black, automatic
>I know what I got
Couple years ago I saw one for 12k, then obviously the market got fucked.
Well no shit older barges turned worse than modern sports cars, but without knowing the speeds you really can’t draw any conclusions from that clip except that older American cars had SOVL
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holy based
bold of you to say that with the ugly ass miata on the same image
Just add a little boost to the Miata
>n-not stock
Modding is half the fun
welcome phoneposters, if you were using a screen bigger than 6" you could clearly see the front wheels turning further and further until they hit full lock
realized that oval racing is harder that it looks and not hold onto the gas the whole day
>american cars can't turn
>well they can, but it doesn't count cause you didn't stay in the lines in a fucking car chase
kek, goalpost moving cuck.
The camaro is cheaper than the miata, so i don't know what that would accomplish.
you need to add a little engineering to the shitiata. more horsepower won't help it if it can't even win on vastly better tires.
Wheels didn't even begin to turn until it was already too late. Full lock was way too late, right before impact.

>The camaro is cheaper than the miata
How is a V8 camaro cheaper than an NA Miata? Talk about cope
>2.0 Miata vs 2,0 Camaro all season tires
read the image again, retard.
Oh I thought you were referencing the OP. Fuck you anyway though, copelet
Wait, what's the difference then?
>The camaro is cheaper than the miata, so i don't know what that would accomplish.
It would prove yourself right. Now price and link like a good little soiboy.
>9 year old Miata vs final year Camaro

Now let's see Paul Allen's card.
>Oh I thought you were referencing the OP
>when he replied to the comparison pic
you're an even dumber nigger than i thought.
Okay. here's the original MSRP of a 2016 Camaro (the car being compared in the pic) vs a 2016 miata. guess that proves i'm right and the camaro handles better.
the final year Camaro has a facelift. that clearly isn't it.

another dumbass nigger who can't read the image.
OP's camaro didn't handle better than a Miata.
Randy's did.
and how many Randys vs OPs do you think drive camaros irl?
quite a lot, considering there are people racing (and winning) FIA championships in Camaros, vs no one having done so in a miata. miata's can't even race against themselves without crashing, and these guys racing them are "professional miata cucks".

thus, the camaro definitively statistically handles better. there are more of them still on the road vs miatas that have a higher rate of being wrecked.

118 horse power more , barely faster than MX5 . But what do u want from Chevrolet car for trannys ..
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GM themselves was crashing maros on racetracks during development.
>Summer tires vs All seasons
>4 second gap when the camaro is also on summer tires
another dumbass nigger who can't read.
>during development (i.e not finished)
so not relevant.
he did both and that's why he went straight

>cope level
let me guess u own Camaro 2.0Tranny and can't cope with any criticism
Add this one to the collection of Camaros crashing, this one was a ZL1 1LE trying to keep pace with a M4 in the canyons
And this one ACK'ed itself on the track from taking a corner too hard, remember this pic whenever they say Toyotas blow up on the track
>during development (i.e not finished)
so not relevant.
They wouldn’t send a car to the Nurburgring unless it was pretty much complete. That development car is probably like 99.99% the same as the finished version.
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>two driven by non professionals vs a hoard of miatas in their own safe space cuck series driven by cucks who specialize in driving them
when can we add the miata to the list of cars that have won an FIA GT championship? oh wait, you can't.
>remember this pic whenever they say Toyotas blow up on the track
airbag =/= blown engine, so the Camaro is more reliable than the GayRacer86 as well.
>They wouldn’t send a car to the Nurburgring unless it was pretty much complete
completely retarded and wrong. go read up on the GTR. it did tons of laps around the ring years before it released.
A blown airbag will total out a $70,000 car moreso when you tell GM where it happened which would end whatever factory warranty you own, and everything I posted were street cars to your hypothetical race car that might as well be a tube frame with a fiberglass Camaro body kit

Camaroniggers act like their cars drive themselves which is why it's funny to see them fail
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good thing a blown airbag isn't a reliability issue of the car, unlike toyota's shit engines. a GT4 race car is basically a stripped out production car with slicks. (like a spec miata). imagine being this retarded and knowing nothing about race cars.
>a blown airbag...is LE GOOD!

oh man i didnt even look up the blown up camaros thanks for the idea theres a ton of them and apparently the airbags are super sensitive so they go off randomly like in this video

so do you want the redditors like that 2021 on its 3rd lt1 or do you want the camaro6 posts about these cars engines popping like a airbag

and mind you these are enthusiasts so theyre more likely to be autistic about taking care of their cars not like your average mouthbreating retard off the street
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i have 1000 hours in GTAIV that basically makes me a professional driver no?
ohohoho gash pseudo janny shill gang in fucking flames
bumblebee car sucks dick nothing new
NTA but a blown airbag is more of an SRS concern caused by federal crackdown for increased safety, so logically they would make the sensors more sensitive. If you're gonna talk about Camaros blowing airbags taking corners too hard, you should also talk about GR Corollas automatically calling emergency services when users are out on the track because the car thinks you're getting into an accident.
Meant to quote
How many times did Nissan crash it on the burgerking?
tons, go look up the GTR GT3.
Replaced his tires.
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>videos of modified cars
>i found 3 reddit threads and some forum post!
meanwhile, in addition to their being blown engine threads for miatas, the Miata is known for having a glass transmission, to the point where Mazda themselves made a bulletin warning owners of such. meaning its far more wide spread than your 3 reddit threads.
>Moves onto the transmission issues of a completely different car because he's getting asspained

Good thing Camaros don't get transmission issues right? Oh wait can you tell me what car highlighted has a transmission that's undergoing a class action lawsuit against GM?
>Moves onto the transmission issues of a completely different car
have you forgotten what the comment chain was originally about, retard?
>Good thing Camaros don't get transmission issues right?
yea, they don't in the only transmission that matters, the manual. can't say the same for the miata.
not void his auto insurance policy on tape
This is just embarrassing

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