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>GPS says to make a u-turn at an intersection
>Fuck that
>Keep driving 20 more miles so i can find a route that does anything but that
What are your /o/ sins?
my turning circle is so wide that i basically have to powerslide around u-turns unless i have 7 clear lanes at my disposal
>GPS says to go across 4 lanes in peak hour traffic to save less than a minutes time compared to going to a proper intersection
>GPS doesn't know it'll take 15 minutes of waiting to find a gap to gun through
As far as I know, they still make these nifty things called "maps". They are usually made of paper.
I've come to the realization I just enjoy driving, and have sometimes gone 45 minutes off toward where ever before turning on GPS and going home.
I should actually try that. Just turn the GPS off, choose a random direction to go, and then turn it back on eventually when i want to go home.
or just you know, make a right, and then go around the block then make a left
im an extremely anxious driver. im a straight male and i blast taylor swift
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You're in the right only lane at a red light. There's no one else on the road on any other lane
You realize that you actually need to go straight
Do you continue turn right or do you wait for green and just send it?
>he can't find his way home from anywhere within an hour's drive
i send it while using my turn signal ofc
careful doing that. it’s best you only do this when the sun’s still out since it’s waaayyyyyy too easy to run into debris, a massive pothole or, even worse- an overfilled bump of asphalt left behind by dumber than fuck city workers. but maybe that’s just my shithole city being the disgusting shithole it is.
I just moved here you chud
Where I live. U-Turns are illegal city wide unless a U-Turn sign is next to the light.
If there's a U-Turn sign, the turning traffic will have a specific 'NO TURN ON RED' sign so retards who don't look won't crash into you.
i'm all the way at the end of the chart and im only 23.
i'm ready to retire.
>you should only drive when the sun is up because you might hit something
Is this bait?
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i have always used google maps but its being lame recently. like for example. i turn right onto a road and need to take it all the way down. instead of just going the whole way itll want me to make pointless turns. like it would want me to turn and then go the rest of the way to then turn right and go south
It's obviously some sort of traffic calculation, but i guess they could fine tune it to allow for fewer turns even if you'd be sitting in traffic longer
That does not comply the international road convection
what size engine is in your Peterbilt?
you have some stupid stinky indian at google to thank for that, they purposefully delay you or make you take retarded routes to "optimize" traffic so they dont send everyone down the same route. its handled in the most atrocious way possible, theyll send you on retarded routes even if theres no one there
Guess we're just smarter
But many places have implicite bans of u-turns and people may not know it. If younhave lane guide saying <--\ (only) it literally means you must go to left and not in reverse direction even you basically go left before going back.
You made that entire chart just to admit you live near nogs.
The end of the chart is getting a Prius and cruising 5mph under the speed limit everywhere
End of chart is a sharp nosedive into crooz mode
the funny part and i should of said but my example is on a country road, 55 limit, the intersection they would want me to turn at doesnt have a sign, there is no reason for me to turn but it'll want me to.
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I do this once every few weeks, nothing beats clocking off graveyard at 3 AM on a stormy night and just cruising around the city.

Even better is doing it in a SUV and not worrying about flooded streets.
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If you read any of the other words in that post then you would’ve figured out that that anon lives in a shithole where truckfags probably chuck their hazardous bullshit out of their bed 24/7. Not all of us are blessed with smooth and clean japanese roads and 12 inches of ground clearance you moron.
>i live in a shithole
>therefore you shouldn't drive at night
t. dumb retarded nigger being a dumb retarded nigger
Does it really? Makes sense. 45 in Houston the map isn't useable. half the exits aren't named like they are on the signs. Google will tell you to exit at a road name that doesn't exist and the exit isn't even up yet so you have no idea if you missed it or not.

I just look at the map physically and pick my own exit most of the time.
CX 50 huh
American roads scare me. At least they are marked unlike the ones in spic land.

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