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leaf here, paying for driving school is 600$ which is absurd, it'd unironically be cheaper to just bribe your examiner 200-250$ and be done.

Has anyone successfully bribed your examiner to pass the gay ass commie road rules shit that Canada has?
are you that faggot that made a while not so long ago whos failed his exam like 20 times?
Jeets will really do anything except be honest for a day.
If you need to be "taught how to drive" you shouldn't be driving.
>except be honest
but I have to pay way more, have no guaranteed chance of passing, and end up in a worse situation financially if I don't pass the road test.

I already dumped $1k on road tests (10 tests) and I'm sick of failing each one

I already took 600$ driving school for 10hr and it did nothing too to helping me pass, since they just try to part with the money instead of teaching.
I'd be fine with this if it weren't for any fucking job opportunity, even basic minimum wage shit requiring a "clean class 5 drivers with abstract"

It's not my fault that this shithole forces people to drive regardless of them being competent or not.
you obviously dont need to be driving idiot
>1000$ maplepesos in failed road tests
That's the most Brampton thing I've read all day. Stay off the 401 forever, please.
>paying for driving school is 600$ which is absurd
Oh yeah, how about 3000-4000 EUR like here in Germany? Consider yourselves fucking lucky.
>stay off the 401 forever, please.
immigrants get their licenses transfered for free, that and nearly all the driving schools/registries are jeet ran.

yet its my issue for playing against a rigged system and failing multiple times because road tests are just money extraction devices
Oh and btw it's mandatory. No way to take a driving test without driving lessons.
in malaysia they call it a coffee license because you pay the testing officer coffee money and he gives you the licence lol
>coffee license
oh wait it's kopi-o and dunno if it's still the case since it's been like 10 years since i last went there, but amongst the cops you could pay them kopi-o/coffee money to avoid getting a ticket etc.
is nobody able to provide advice related to canadian registries?
Here's another suggestion if your that retarded >>>/n/
You do not have a right to have a driver's license.
You do not have the ability to operate a motor vehicle safely in accordance with the rules of the road.
After failing ten times, you should never be allowed to drive a vehicle again - with harsh penalties if you're caught operating a motor vehicle without a license.
The roads are dangerous enough without letting someone like you on them. You would kill someone in a car crash due to your incompetence and then cry and piss your pants begging not to be held accountable for your own actions of taking someone's life.
You disgust me.
> You do not have a right to have a driver's license.
yet the right to mobility and travel exists in the Canadian constitution

> You do not have the ability to operate a motor vehicle safely in accordance with the rules of the road.

Sure as hell would help if the road book covered everything that could happen during a road test, instead of just leaving it to be “hmm guess I gotta throw out a random guess”

> After failing ten times, you should never be allowed to drive a vehicle again - with harsh penalties if you're caught operating a motor vehicle without a license.

Okay euroshart, how do you think people learn? By failing of fucking course, and you can’t deny that you failed many times with certain things. Inb4 “durr your retarded and incapable to operate”, anyone can operate two pedals and a steering wheel, it’s just the road theory bullshit that’s hard to follow to the book because guess what, not every fucking road test has idealized conditions and you have to make guesses as to how to follow traffic law. Inb4 “noo you can’t” because you’re stuck on a road test trying to make a lane change into the left turning lane, but an excessively slow vehicle blocks you from doing so safely. And nowhere in the road book/manual does it say “you can tell the examiner you can’t safely follow the provided route and have to reroute”

> The roads are dangerous enough without letting someone like you on them.
Maybe invest more into, oh I don’t know. Proper driving education that’s actually affordable and doesn’t require you driving your parents car as that can’t apply to everyone. Inb4 “go work a job” when I already stated that a good 80% of minimum wage jobs require a “clean class 5 drivers license with abstract” and that me trying to get my license is somehow “disgusting” despite it being the only way I can effectively commute and get to work, to put food on the table of course.
>yet the right to mobility and travel exists in the Canadian constitution
Take a train, ride a bike or walk. The best option honestly is taking a plane back to the shithole you crawled out of.
Accept you are so fucking retarded that you are unable to drive correctly and move on with your life.
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Oh, it's this guy again. I will keep it short this time:
>Sucks to suck
>Take a train
if you like paying for ludicrously priced tickets, sure, regardless there's no trains here except for the cargo freighters.

>ride a bike
right, let me just attach a cheap 200$ chinesium "motorbike" kit onto it.

you don't walk to your job dipshit.
What about the 4th option I provided?
>yet the right to mobility and travel exists in the Canadian constitution
Correct. You have the freedom to walk, ride a bicycle, ride a horse, ride a taxi, ride a bus, ride a train, or ride an airplane. You have no more of a constitutional right to operate a motor vehicle than you do to operate an airplane.
>Sure as hell would help if the road book covered everything that could happen during a road test, instead of just leaving it to be “hmm guess I gotta throw out a random guess”
If you're unable to determine the correct course of action without being explicitly told what to do you lack the deductive reasoning to be behind the wheel. Giving you a license would lead to you killing someone.
>Okay euroshart, how do you think people learn? By failing of fucking course, and you can’t deny that you failed many times with certain things.
No, you learn through training, education, and repetition. "learning by failing" is a cope for people who can't do it.
>pee pee poo poo incoherent screeching
You clearly are unable to comprehend the road laws and you also don't have the temperament to be safely operating a vehicle. If it was within my power to do so, you'd be permanently banned from the roads. You're the type of person that would do 100 on the high street because someone slighted you and then fling your feces at the officer that cited you
born here, does not apply.

>You clearly are unable to comprehend the road laws
or maybe its that training is ludicrously expensive and unregulated. You refuse to give any advice or info that doesn't make me resort to just bribing the jeet examiner and being done with it.

>No, you learn through training, education, and repetition.
And you've never failed at anything a single time in your life retard? Would be great if instead of you screeching you actually gave useful resources that aren't just the shitty road guide which while it ((covers)) everything does it in such a poor format and gives zero help on passing your road test first try.
Drving is insanly easy. That that you even typed out the words that you have to guess how to follow traffic laws should disqualify you from all vehicles, even bikes and fucking kick scooters.

Also what the fuck are you quoting. Are you having conversations with yourself? Better check in the trunk next time you take the exam. There might be a deepstate agent in there manipulating traffic to make you fail. And when you go to bribe the inspector try to lowball him on the bribe 75 leaf dollars should be a good starting bid.
>Drving is insanly easy.
OK ESL, good to know you aren't even american and are just projecting thirdie hate.
Very bold of you to attack my spelling mistakes when you can't even capitalize the first word in half you sentences. But that just another mistake you can learn something from ;)
Driving IS easy for me. Just like how performing music or public speaking or being one of those high pressure salesmen is easy for others. You ask me to work selling cars and I'm going to be terrible at it. You ask a fish to climb a tree and it can't do it. That's you with driving, I think. It's just not compatible with you. I'm sure there's other things you have a knack or talent for, but this isn't it.
Don't beat yourself up over it, just focus on what you can do well. Helen Keller couldn't drive and she became a famous author, Ronnie Milsap couldn't drive and he won six Grammys and had 35 #1 songs.
>Don't beat yourself up over it
I have to drive to get a job and hold it, why isn't this fucking clear to you?
I'm sure if most normies didn't need to drive, they'd take the offer.
Sister please learn how to drive the road test is not hard you are just stupid even thinking about bribing the examiner instead of getting good at driving.
You are guaranteed to crash and not understand how it happened if you do not take learning how to drive seriously.
I’m glad you aren’t on the road. Stop sulking and go to driving school.
all the driving schools I've contacted never replied back despite me trying to book a meeting.
Did you tell each one you've already failed the road test 10 times already? You're a goddamn Spongebob, I wouldn't want the responsibility of teaching you either.
>immigrants get their licenses transfered for free
Who told you that? Your drunk uncle on thanksgiving?
>Did you tell each one you've already failed the road test 10 times already?
no, regardless why would they refuse someone who's paying money.

>Sister please learn how to drive the road test is not hard
come to this shitty province and do the road test without any practice beforehand if it's so "easy"
regardless, I don't have anyone who can teach me, and my grandmother who's car I'm using is incapable of teaching due to senility.
Too bad you still can't drive there even if you have a license. A base model Civic is like $60k usd there.

WHat the fuck were you doing as your parents were driving you around? This is when you're fucking supposed to "learn how to drive". You were probably fucking fapping to cartoons or something.
>driving school
is this a leaf thing? Do you actually need it?
It's a thing pretty much everywhere around the world. No you don't (and shouldn't) need it to get your license in Canada. The only advantage to taking them is a slightly better insurance rate for the first couple years.
I am aware it exists, but did not know if it was required in Canada. I know some of the more cucked nations require it, so would not be surprised if New India required it.
It's definitely not required although it should be for anybody living in Ontarindia or any immigrant really.
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Just ride the bus man. Thats an absurd amount of tests you failed. You could kill someone or yourself dude.
Stay tuned for more tales of Brampton.
>failing driving test more than once
One fail means odds are good the examiner was just being a nigger or failed you as standard department operating procedure to extort more fees for the state; double the revenue while maintaining plausible deniability compared to autofailing everyone 5+ times and getting their balls class action sued so hard they shoot back up into the torso and explode from their nostrils.
Ten fails means you are objectively physically and mentally incapable of driving within even the loosest definition of the norms and you have a legal and more importantly moral obligation to not do so now or ever and to do otherwise would be a deliberate attack against public safety.

>a fucking leaf that can't even figure out driving, the equivalent of coloring within the lines for adults
You are genuinely mentally retarded so why bother seeking employment at all? Just leech off of government welfare.

There's always some place shittier and more retarded no matter how bad you think you have it; don't conflate "marginally less completely fucked up clownworld" with "good" for down that path madness and liberal nightmare dystopia lie. No lessons required here in Burgerstan, the test is free, and after passing getting your LOICENSE printed is ~$20 which is still a fucking rip off and no amount of Yurokek triple distilled whataboutism will change that fact.
You don't have to drive to work.
>work from home jobs
>jobs you can reach with public transportation or bicycle
>freelance work online via sites like fiverr/etsy/making YouTube videos/etc
Whatever it is that you are good at, there's a way to make it work. I'm not saying it will be easy or fall into your lap, but the opportunity is out there.
>how do you think people learn?
by doing the lessons
How many times did /o/ fail?
I failed my first one. It was right after COVID, so by the time I actually got a test it had been a year since I'd finished doing lessons, and I was afraid I'd picked up some bad habits. But I couldn't get a refresher lesson since all the local instructors were booked up with the backlog, so I just watched a bunch of videos and became neurotic about whether or not I was still in the habit of checking my blind spot. So then I go and do my test, fail. And afterwards the guy's like "Your observation was all over the place, you kept checking your blind spot all the time when it wasn't necessary and you should have been watching the road". I think that's pretty funny. I passed the second time though because driving is not that hard.

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