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>every single day something new breaks off

I love the engine and transmission but holy fuck what a fucking weak ass truck, it's pathetic just how much plastic I've littered just croozing around. The alabama trashcan memes were right.
Hey ML55 bro , I think we we met on another thread a few weeks back

Yeah I'm in the same boat, I love the power train but the interior and every plastic component rattles or is prone to cracking, it is what it is, I try not to expect much and just treat it as a dependable work truck, it's still cozy
Yup interior rattles are jarring but the v8 rumble keeps my mind at ease lol. What color is your 163 bro?
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Mine is all black, previous owner resprayed it from Grey, looks good after a wash, got some scuffs and door dings, paint swirls too but It's kind of nice not having to maintain a pristine paint job desu, makes it seem more like a sleeper

I recently replaced my lateral acceleration sensor so I got familiar with using a trim tool and removing the center console, I might go back in there and put some cotton balls or rubber in some wedges and that should remove a lot of the rattles, but as you said the v8 rumble makes me forget most of that :)

Pic semi related, I don't have any photos on my.phone under 4mb but it's pretty similar, metallic black
It’s not a truck retard
>>every single day something new breaks off
I had to pick between an ML and a Touareg of the same generation.
I chose the Touareg thinking it would be more reliable.
I am happy to report that the Touareg also has something that breaks almost every day.
My mom (God rest her soul) drove a 2005 ml 500 for most of my life. Makes me think of her whenever I see one still on the road. You never know the good days are gone until it's too late, huh. Enjoy it anon
Lmfao. I remember when you got this and were bragging about it posting it in every thread for months. Retard
What is the point of enjoying a vehicle if there is no manual transmission available?
old 60s-70s barges you just crooze
although even some of them still had a factory manual option back then.
i would like to manual swap mine some day...some day
It's a truck
do you even know what makes a truck a truck retard?

bet you consider the ridgeline a truck
this turd worlder drives around on a literal peeling casting couch
busrider /n/igger hands typed this post btw
why did you sell your nb
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biggest mistake ever

the ml55 is fun in a different way tho
How did you make this literal trash in the worst color possible your personality lol
what makes you think it's my personality lmao you fucking retard
I'm celebrating my mom's 60th today and your story hit home, thanks Anon, I'll make the best of every day. I know I'm just a stranger but your words meant well.
This lmao. Wasn't there a 40 post shitflinging argument about this not being normal traffic in one thread?


I'm about to join this retard with a GLS myself so I can't shit on him too hard.
Rare variants of normal cars are not common traffic and I will die on this hill.
It feels it is truck. Stop being a bigot
nice try eslkun
LMAO. Perspective is everything. I live in an area where I wouldn't check out half the supercars on the market but a hardbody pickup would have me snapping my neck.
TIL it's actually a truck. Nice. I wish the GLS was BOF. Suburbans prove luxury SUVs can be.
Only an esl would complain/notice
about small mistakes
>waah im a wrenchlet
My interior and body are still perfect.

But the rear brakes are out and it's parked in the healing weeds until beer santa leaves $1k under my pillow.

Lovely drivetrain though.
I was there for this. You post this crap as often as the z3 autist. Atleast that's a boomer convertible. Get a life or atleast a better car
I already have two better cars lmao, get your game up busrider fag.

Your mom's hyundai doesn't count as your car btw.

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