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SHITBIKE edition

Previous thread: >>27838214

>Motorcycle tips and tricks
>Motorcycle pics, webmsand streamies
>Tendy rating services
>Motorcycle benchracing
>rest in piss gaymoo, gn, pink horny, indian, hotwing
>Tennyfren HQ
>CB500 leg legion association guild clan
>not enough vfrs
>sv650 posting and R7 retards
>motorcycle anime girls (2d only)
>Milkshake posting and other treats
>Buy Chinese motorcycles -t. NOT a CFMOTO shill ok
>class, plug

>(New map! Email dbtmap3@gmail.com with pic of bike (hosted) and location to be added):


Vids (must watch before posting)

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First for Harley-Davidson
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Yamaha 1st
Am I supposed to pour oil on top of the pistons or something after pulling the head to replace the head gasket? After cleaning the top of the pistons, putting it all back together, and changing the oil (between the lines on center stand) it's starting fine but not sounding good, almost like how it sounded when I blew the piston on my last engine for starving it of oil.
Is it normal for it to sound like this until the oil circulates through the whole engine or something? The only thing I haven't done is added coolant back to the radiator and res but I don't feel like air in the line or water pump would cause this in only seconds of running cold
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First for shad(man) topboxes
I usually coat everything in motor oil before assembly
Shit. Is running it until it coats itself fine? Surely it can do that quickly and no damage can be done while it's cold, right?
Whabout motor assembly grease
Did u dry heave this cunt together bros?
comfy thread
The ONLY thing it said to grease when replacing a head gasket (clean block > assemble head > cams > valve cover) was all of the camshaft and bolts and washers that go from the head to block.
I used pic related for that, which is the closest to the thing kawasaki said to use. It didn't say to grease or lube any piston or valve.. it also didn't say to fully clean those either but youtube said you may as well clean it when splitting an engine!
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cute thread
Are you assuming she isn't the bike being ridden?
The village bicycle of course
imagine getting pulled over on your bike by these guys. Stamped.

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i've sucked lots of tranny cocks but i also pray on kids
First for V65 Magna.
Is this catvomit literbike by your autistic metrics?
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Post it
Based kawasaki appreciator Sam Hyde
Redpill me on bimota
simple as
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>No infomation about meeting point, routes, where to stay...
Not going to the SEM then
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I just added a 2016 viffer to the 1991 viffer

Viffers are great
>he doesn't know
Tell me, I can still hit the road
t. Gen 1 v4
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Harley-Davidson has gone woke.

It's over

I'm going to buy an Arch when I become rich mark my fucking words.
Yeah everyone knows harleys are gay as fuck lmao
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checked, clean
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Based is all you neednto know
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Went to Lødingen, saw a big gun.
Gonna eat pizzer.
God bless
it's over... all of their bikes are going to sound like strong powerful black lesbian women with disabilities
this bitch is leaving a snail trail all over the bike
I fitted new exhaust (not full system still have the cat) and now my bike does the funny burble sound.
Do I need to do anything more or are exhaust cans just install and play?
>Do I need to do anything more
re install the stock pipe
what bike?
Stock pipe looks and sounds shit
time to sell the bike kek
>buy bike
>stock exhaust looks and sounds shit
>buy bike
>all stock exhausts look and sound shit
>buy bike
At last I finally understand the boomer mindset
buying the wrong bikes. My stock pipe looks and sounds INSANE
Do you have a single vocaroo file to back that claim up?
>Bro just buy a 40+ year old bike when they came with minimally restrictive glasspacks stock
Yooooooo, /dbt/ has magazine covers now? ebin
SEM is LITERALLY happening right now
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The bikepill is the truth
>couldn't cum to SEMen because I had TÜV today
I... I failed you brothers... Forgive me.
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Ride with the bois tomorrow morning. I'm excited!
I demand MORE
>front license plate
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Brehs, how do you carry water in your rides? I here back packs. A milk crate seems a bit much for one or two water bottles.
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Yes sirs?
simply go without
Good Morning Sir!!! A blessed day to you!!
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Sense to you sirs.
I do want water though.
In sport bike? A bit odd. But I'll see if they make one for my bike.
look into camelbags / waterpouches.
also whenever its really warm you should consider coconut water, gatorade or alcohol-free beer. i used to carry cold chicken broth in a thermos in the past too. minerals, minerals, minerals.
They destroy iconic American brands like this on purpose, just like Anheuser Busch, Remington, Boeing etc.
The trick is to not care and do whatever you want anyway
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I filled my 2 stroke oil tank all the way to the top and a bit over the top and now it seems to be leaking a little, should i be concerned or did i just overfill?
expansion perhabs
brown anime waifu
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Back from my ride, 250ish km done.
Took a look at the Kvitbjørn seaplane memorial as well.
any chance I wrecked any seals or gaskets by overfilling?
sure hope this thing wont always leak now
its probably fine
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storage paradigms revolutionized. tacos obtained.
you can still show up
cheap bike anyways, but I use it to get to work
will hopefully keep running
Why is her legs longer than her entire torso+head
because I kinda suck at making characters but i think shes cute regardless.
and it fits her styling
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You- you make anime waifus for anons?
Pls make my waifu, no troon on a shoom pls
Pic rel, replace the pepe with the upper half of my waifu as i hold onto her tender ass before departing innawoods for to meet my tennyfrens for a ride meetup

She has to be autistic honda girl like hane but also redhead and mix of rin, best waifu for the ultimate waifu combo, but she rides a mr.harleydabidson
Shes also way thicker; as per image, she has a thicc ass
Shes also the mutual antihero villain in the subsubplot of TWIST OF THE WRIST 3: MY BALLS ARE ITCHING FOR A RIDE, but ultimately due to her untimely conversion into my arms, repents of her sin and becomes the good guys again before tendie checking me to oblivion
The things we do for love
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I just saw an mt09 for a decent price, is 29k miles normal for a 2015 mt09? what should I look for? pic related was the listing pic
Why do I suck so bad at going in a perfectly straight line?
If I have to ride staggered in a group I can not for the life of me stay very straight. I'm not swerving or anything but I see other people and they can keep their bike like perfectly on the lines separating lanes and I've never been able to do that ever, I'm always moving just a little left or right and have to make constant corrections.
It's been like this for so long that I'm just starting to assume I'm doing something wrong.
I usually ride solo and I never notice it because lane positioning matters less.
Recently I've been riding with a couple other people and it's very obvious to me when I have to ride in a group because I'm trying much harder to stay in exactly the same spot in the lane.
I've come to hate group rides because I'm always nervous thinking other people are wondering why i'm all over the place and not able to keep a perfectly straight line.
>almost 10 years old
>less than 3,000 miles per year
yeah man, that person barely rode that thing.
proper maintenance and the CP3 motor can last you well over 100k.
Ask if he's had the valve adjustment done yet.
You're thinking about it too much. Gotta just let your body/bike flow
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You guys daily your bike... right?
that's kind of what I'm thinking too.
I have a really bad anxiety problem and group rides make me hyper focus on everything, so much so that it sucks the fun out of riding.
Also make sure your rear wheel is aligned properly.
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It actually pains me not to
Beyond based
I do unless my fucking kickstarter stabs me
Tailbag, tank bag, or small saddlebags like SW Motech Blazes. Once you start using small luggage you will never want to go without.
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You a real one. Nice baiku
What do you do if your kickstarter stabs you?
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Am I justified in not wanting a KLR or DR650 just based on the possibility of having to change/patch tubes if I get a puncture? I have a repressed desire to be an adv chad, but I don't want to stress about changing tubes on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. Am I overthinking it? Is it really that much of a pain in the ass?
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Bros why do I have buyer’s remorse about this thing so bad. I want something more committed and reliable/cheaper like an R1 but I’d feel like a faggot for trading in a bike I’ve owned for 2 months with only 1.5k miles on it.
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As apposed to trying to change a tubeless tire?
Changing a tubeless tire is more difficult than changing a tubed tire.
>kino thread
Duc's are made for the track and for riding around the city on bar night to impressive women.
Tubeless tires can just be plugged in a matter of minutes though
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Tubed tires are much easier to get off the rim.
Tubed tires can be inflated with a hand pump

Tubeless often require compressed air to seat the bead.
If you can't seat the bead you're fucked.
Lose too much air? Tire fall off the rim? Fucked.

There is an actual reason that spoked wheels are on all dirtbikes, ADV's, and dualsports.

On another note, you can just put GS500 wheels or whatever onto the GS500.
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>onto the GS500.
On to the DR650 I mean. You can just swap wheels.
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I found an amazing abandoned industrial park when out exploring. Totally untouched, in the middle of nowhere. Was amazing. Fun ride!
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Tubed tires are better for adventurchads because you can just keep an extra 19” tube in your bag and change it on the trail if you need to.
More pics from the ride
>Is it really that much of a pain in the ass
this is by far my favorite color drZ, kind of reminds me of something from Destiny that bungie game
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My boomer dad gave me his old FLH that he had been saving for me, I have only driven sports bikes any advice?
Yeah, paint purple skulls on it to complete the look
very cool bike I'd be proud to inherit
multiple smaller skulls in the what parts of the paint?
thanks, its intimidating to maintain this bike
I love it too. It sickens me to think about the decals wearing off, I doubt there are many graphics vendors that can get that sparkly gold just right.
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Bros, I'm searching marketplace for gsxr750s now. Someone needs to stop me because I clearly can't stop myself at this point. I don't need anymore bikes but I want a 750 so bad.
Send help, pls.
I can send you my vfr800 if ypu send me the gas monies, but i have to be your eternal roomate afterwards, do you accept the viffer challenge bros?
thats awesome
Don't do anything stupid with it, I guess. It's a touring bike, so go on a tour. You'll either like it or not. It's cool your old man did that for you, either way.
lol, based
what are some passable chinese bike brands ?
serious answers only
Just got new sedici gloves and signing up for a track day at the ridge bros. I've been riding for almost ten years but think I'll do the 100 group because I haven't tried a track day before. Anyone here track?

I will be using my 2006 Zx6r
No, I'll just go and buy a viffer. I don't need a permanent roomie.
I can't, you are very reasonable. Gsxr 750 is one of the best bikes ever made.
7fiddy life
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I can't for the life of me do the slalom. Either I'm too narrow and hit the cones or too wide and go past the lines.
Just keep trying, it took me around 15 classes to get it consistently good to pass the exam
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New primary chain.
Also pulled out the shitty plastic clutch plates for steel ones with fibre pads, but the new ones are much thicker than the plastic ones, so the final intermediate plate doesn't fit into the bores.
I'm going to send it anyway
What kind of tree is that?
A cute pink one
The tree kind.
R u a lorax
Where? Is it elite only?
No I'm your dad.
What don’t you like about it?
When are you coming home with the milk?
I'm already home son. Your mom and I are making you a new baby brother.
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Anons, I need help. I have a sport bike, when ever I brake, I end up more and more forward. Eventually my balls touch the tank. I know I have to hold the tank to stop this, I have tank grips, but they don't grip to my denims. What do I do?
Mom?! But I have two dads!
Its coming home some time today. Supposedly 83, sadly euro. But cant be sure. Hope chocko-cams are alive.

Is it a literbike by DBT metrics? Viffers got its reduced heart in 1000 form.
Thing is I was feeling like I got it a class or two ago but now it seems like I've lost it. Hoping for the next time to be better.
taller/closer bars
Leather pants bro
Will it not make me gey?
Learn to use the rear brake ffs
Rear brake is a vestigial organ on my bike. I just use it in the twisties to tighten the turn sometimes. Also, TW2 says to use only front brakes.
zx999 anons hair spray technique
Depends on the pant style and your style
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hello fren

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