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Imagine your family car being the video related and not some lame crossover.
It's a cool thought that back then this was a thing at one point. Of course, shitboxes have always existed, but still.
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>even the shitboxes were snazzy
What a beautiful family, i sure hope they don't get into a 15 mph accident and they all get crushed between metal
Oh phooey.
At least if that happened they'd die in style
I wish the average American family still looked like that :(
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1970 Ford Torino is super cool and the boy's Suzuki t-shirt is based.
>EUGH I will literally explode if I don't have seatbelts and Ai-lane assist!!! My car MUST look like a homosexual ferret!
Get some balls. 99% of people didn't die in car crashes then and 99.5% don't now.
Back when wives would drive something as cool as a fastback with kids in tow.
The 70s were groovy.
Also cool Suzuki shirt on the kid.
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for me its the late 60s
I just want a massive 4 door boatmobile to drive to the grocery store
is that too much to ask?
Let me know when you actually have children
Your brain sort of matures to care more about safety than "looking cool"
I would mostly care about raising my children not to be retarded faggots who would rather drive around in a 6000lb padded cell with zero visibility in the interest of making sure they survive the inevitable rollover event caused by being completely unable to see around the 5 foot beltline and 24 inch A pillar than drive something with soul.
let me know when your balls drop homeslice

I'd use this logo for my Jimny if she was a little cuter

70-90s era cars are cool, but good luck finding one that isn't 40k+
when I have children I will disappointed if any of them ever ask me which car they should buy based on safety ratings
I will give them motorcycles, this faggotised and sanitised world is bereft of real danger so makes mountains out of the few molehills left.
My balls dropped in your daddy's mouth faggot
There were far fewer drunken mexicans on the road back then, so that wasnt an issue.
back in my day the answer would be "turbo volvo"
>all this larp
>still 30 year old childless men on the internet
personal responsibility would go a longer way in cutting down the number of retards crashing than cars than any amount of safety nannies or regulations
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A small hand full of cool cars from the 70's. Most were big, ugly, slow and gay grandma barges. Drum brakes, a/c was optional and you might not have power steering. Truck suspension and leaf springs. No thanks. Factory AM radio. Extra special edition had 8 track.
God bless Nasim.
>yes please
>yes, but cool
>yes, I crooz
>no, they're straight as FUCK more people were conceived in em than in actual beds
>yes, I love my grandma

>drum in rear, disc in front was standard and would remain standard until the late 90's
>basically everyone got AC anyways, being able to save money/weight/hp by not having it is based
>power steering was effectively standard on non-shitboxes, and besides, the tires weren't fatfuck wide in the 70's on regular cars, also based to save money/weight by not choosing it
>coil springs standard on non-shitboxes, but even the leafs were comfier than this nucar stiffshit, and seats were by default comfy and not suffocating+hard
>8 tracks are shite though I'll give you that
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>Truck suspension and leaf springs. No thanks
ironic given that one of the reasons people are now buying trucks is because they have cushy suspension
60s and 80s american cars are cool, but 70s ones are damn ugly. People really lost their sense of taste in that decade.
There are some exceptions, though this isn't really american.
I need AC, no more tech. ABS is useful for motorcycles, if you're in a car it's purely there to save you from being a total idiot. The only real difference is that the suspension would be worse and it'd probably make less power. I could drive one of these cars and barely notice a difference.

As for ugly, the average 70s car looks a thousand times better than the typical bloated plastic crossovers now.
Just compare that 1972 Torino to pic related, the 1970 model.
Still no match for the european Granada. The american one looks like an ugly duckling compared to this.
the american one is an entirely unrelated car with the same name as the euro car
I'm saying that the european styling is superior.
Furd, with few exceptions, dropped the fucking ball in the 70's when it came to styling despite being a good few years ahead of everyone else on the 80's boxy look
>the gm and chrysler malaiseboats look dam good though

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