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Should I take a chance and try applying bedliner myself or should I take it to a Line-X shop?
raptor coat is easy as fuck to apply
What if I fuck up? I suck at painting in general.
2 questions from a europoor. Is that just a textured paint and why is it better than the hard plastic covering the truckbed?
Roll it on dont spray it, less mess and thicker heavier coat. Bonus points, take the bed off and do the frame and under the bed for salt protection.

Roll it, you wont clean the gun they give you, then wont have a way to finish the other half.

Heavy thick paint with grit mixed in. Plastic bedliners allow water to get trapped under them, thus causing beds to rot underneath the plastic.

Once its dry, get yourself a nice thick rubber mat so you can drop heavy shit in the back and not chip or dent your bed.
I will add one thing.
Don't think "oh I'll just stop at this point..."
It will look like shit.
>don't forget to pull the tape before it cures.
I was thinking of getting my running boards, which are currently peeled to shit, raptor lined. Is it durable and more importantly does it have good anti slip? It’s either this or getting them powder coated. Which will hold up better?
Why stop at the bed? Just spray the whole truck!

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