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Any other car brands come close to Tesla's auto pilot? Want to get my wife away from Tesla but she's hooked on how nice it is in rush hour traffic and for highway cruises.

Would want to get her something more upscale, so maybe German.
Chevy super cruise
no, not even mercedes.
>wife is happy
>want to ruin it
>want to spend money doing so
what the fuck is wrong with you
Chevy aint very upscale tho

She wants something with more range, possibly hybrid. Also more luxury would help, right now the city is filled with model 3 and model y so the car no longer feels special at all. Also a lot of Indians driving them.

Upgrading to a model S or X also feels wrong because it seems like a waste of money after knowing what the Chinese are pumping out for EVs.
You make such a cute happy couple anon!
>Tesla auto die-a-lot
No thanks.
>Any other car brands come close to Tesla's auto pilot?

>Would want to get her something more upscale, so maybe German.
fuck the germans, they're utter shit. the interior build quality is better, but nowhere close enough to make up for the incredibly shitty tech integration. seriously, after being in a tesla, it'll be hell on her (or anyone else).

if money is of no concern and you can charge at home, perhaps consider a lucid.
She can't be saved
Ya know, I'll give it to him, between the photo angle and his complete lack of a chin he actually manages to pull off looking like a very ugly woman decently well here.
>Want to get my wife away from Tesla
Why? You already bought the car, why do you want to spend more money, retard?
Cadillac super cruise.
Elon is a transphobic chud and my wife (trans) and I want to only support progressive policies with our money.
Does the current S class have autopilot for highways in the US yet? I know its an option for the Autobahn.
You are indian faggot yourself of you think about what other indians drive. Enjoy when your next pretend luxury cars autopilot drives you to oncoming semi truck instead of keeping the best autopilot system on market with tesla for fear of not standing out from other goypods. None of the cuckmobiles on sale today make you look any less poorfag on 25% apr since you can never look or act less hindu street shitter.
>no longer feels special at all
...what? Why does a car need to feel special? Why does woder availability detract from you? Problems like range or the possible garage fire I could understand
From the videos and comments I've seen I'd not trust a single one of currently available 'autopilot's to not yank me off the road. Sure some may do that more often than other, but ideally I'd like it zero
>Don't let her drive /O/P
With an attitude like that she's a liability to herself and others, it's exactly the kind of mentality which has lead to an INCREASE of driving deaths despite "better" safetytech
>Personally I think we should go back to early 90's safety standards

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