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When did we peak, G/o/lf chads?
Ive never been in a golf before but,
The last looks the coolest exterior wise.
Interior wise its the worst with the screen
Mk7. Mk5 was shit except r32.
>t. Not arab
mk4, but golfs are ugly and gay
it's funny to see how the car just keeps getting fatter and fatter over time
Ugly. Slow. Gay.
hatchbacks are GAY as FUCK
vws are GAY as FUCK
Mk7 (NOT 7.5) because that's what I have.
I drove a 2024 model rental earlier this year (in Germany of all places) and holy shit it was plastic, awful, and cucked to the max.
Doesn't matter tho since they stopped selling them in Burgerland anyway.
mk2 for weekend driving
mk8 for everyday use but it comes with stupid touchscreen everything.
I'll tell you an unusual answer: MK4, in its day looked modern and today that design with a few aesthetic changes would still look current.
Every iteration is better than the last
mk7, but only the performance pack GTI/R models. lighter weight, better engine, and LSD standard compared to previous gens. it's the sweet spot with almost the best chassis and best drivetrain but still has the good interior. mk8 has a better engine and front suspension, but it's a step down as a car.
Mk4 was the best golf.
Mk7 was the best car.
mk2 for the sovl
mk4 is peak golf but for looks mk2
Mk7 or Mk4 depending for what you're looking to get out of your Golf
I hate modern angry nigger looks in every modern car. It seems mk6 is the last.
mk4 100%
the only good ones are the ones with the vr6
mk2 if you're into older cars, mk7/7.5 if you're okay with nuslop
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I'd say the mk2 looks the best but I love my mk 7.5 and think it looks better than the mk8
MK2 cabriolet makes me cum
...I want one so bad bros.
The first one
>When did we peak, G/o/lf chads?
When the last Golf rolled off the Tvornica Automobila Sarajevo production line
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My first car was a 1976 Scirocco. My second was a 1986 Golf.
for me, mk2 and mk7 (I'm tempted to say mk8 but the interior touch controls are ass and no stick over here)
Golf III
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I'm biased since I've owned 3, but mk4, but only the ones actually built in germany.
best is golf3 on all aspects
Mk.4 R32
chicken dinner
mk2 is peak. mk1-4 is acceptable.
everything after is an incel car

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