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I mog you
just drop off the kids bro
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I pass you on the shoulder
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America is so clean and organized
I dont work at a school i use this bus as an RV
this guy knows all the benchracers on /o/ personally
Highly depends on where you're at.
Most OECD countries are like that unless you are in an extremely shithole area only gypsies/nmen go to
Reported to the FBI for kidnapping. Your ass is toast(and Jamal's prison cum canvas), scumbag.
Yes unless you live in the negrospic areas
>America is so clean and organized
???? US is literally a third world country. Look at that picture, fake grass, cardboard/plywood tier houses and flat as a slum. They can't even walk there 10 km before being arrested for "existing" without a car.
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>???? US is literally a third world country. Look at that picture, fake grass, cardboard/plywood tier houses and flat as a slum. They can't even walk there 10 km before being arrested for "existing" without a car
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you what?
>fake grass
anon doesn't know what grass looks like, to nobody's surprise...
Why does /o/ post Japanese media but seethe when China is mentioned? Fuck off.
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Because China is our economic and political rival, and Japan isn't
The us is what europ wants to be
>look at the fucking EU it's just a shitted up US copycat
>also eurobros shitting on old muricayachts until they drive them and fall in love
>t. busrider
bus in the midwest? Mom?
Op's pic would be in an older lower-middle class neighborhood populated by seniors for the most part. The size of the lots and the house style suggests it was built in the 70's as ranch-style homes (long, single level) haven't really been a thing since then as they cost more to heat, and cool, than two-story homes.

As for the yards, well, that's mostly boomer competition. They actually *like* mowing the yard. The more expensive the equipment used, the better. Boomers also explains that street because guess who has nothing better to do than call City Hall/County Seat all day long and complain that there's a crack that will turn into a pothole and there'll be hell to pay if it does since his (distant) relative is a Judge! Times that by at least the amount of houses you can see.
The EU was great until it decided to negrofy itself and basically ruin anything about Europe that was good. Now it's just Baltimore with pretty buildings.

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