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>"stop comparing real cars to microwaves" he says in his scat pack after losing to said microwave, rambling on in his noise insulated cabin about steak vs microwaved meat for whatever reason
>"yeah well I'd rather be rowing gears in my 6 speed than having those gay little paddles" he says, as he stalls out on his way home with his stage 3 clutch he had installed by a local shop
>"bikes are toys. This is a real drag monster" he says after losing to a 1000 from 1998 in his camaro ss he spent $10k in mods on with no a/c and the rear seats removed
>"You only won cause you weigh 3000lbs and I weigh 2 tons. At the end of the day, I'm the one winning, cause I'm not the one going home in a shitbox" he says to the ebay boosted civic owner, from his 98 sn95
>"yeah but I'd rather drive a slow car fast than a fast car slow." he says to a guy in an m3, from his 04 miata he commutes 20 highway miles to work in
Any other favorite copes that I missed?
there's always going to be someone faster than you so if you feel the need to cope about it you're a fagbrained retard
>he says in his scat pack after losing to said microwave
All of these are correct, however. Electric "cars" manage to make speed so boring.
Soul over numbers.
>>"stop comparing real cars to microwaves" he says in his scat pack after losing to said microwave, rambling on in his noise insulated cabin about steak vs microwaved meat for whatever reason
>>"yeah well I'd rather be rowing gears in my 6 speed than having those gay little paddles" he says, as he stalls out on his way home with his stage 3 clutch he had installed by a local shop
>>"You only won cause you weigh 3000lbs and I weigh 2 tons. At the end of the day, I'm the one winning, cause I'm not the one going home in a shitbox" he says to the ebay boosted civic owner, from his 98 sn95
Kek this is me, except no one's fucken stalling lmao
>>"bikes are toys. This is a real drag monster" he says after losing to a 1000 from 1998 in his camaro ss he spent $10k in mods on with no a/c and the rear seats removed
This one made me laugh.
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>>"yeah but I'd rather drive a slow car fast than a fast car slow." he says to a guy in an m3, from his 04 miata he commutes 20 highway miles to work in
yep. that's me.
You forgot the best one
>"At least my car is paid off"
That’s actually based though
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just added some more oil to my 2 strokes gas tank so it makes funny smoke when driving thanks anon
>"at least mine has soul!" he says in his honda civic with 2k simple mods and a tasteful fart can
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That's why it's the best one
Yeah but the point is after trying to race someone and then losing you pull out the "at least my car is cheaper and paid off," card kek, which is pathetic.
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>check out what times randy pobst can do in my car
>no ive never even done a local autox

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