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That feel when you factor in gas cost when you want to go out and it's cheaper to buy a nice steak than buying something cheaper because you get 9mpg on premium before the motor warms up, then you get 14mpg or 15mpg.
One of the cheapest cars you can buy
>00's insight
Gets the best gas mileage
>80+ mpg
Also if I get to drive something nice and used for way less I'm picking that over boogman car even if the nice one costs a bit more in the long run
>tfw my 4 banger shitboxes only cost $23 for a full tank
i don’t miss the v8 life at all. the gas guzzler tax on it just isn’t something everyone can comfortably afford or should put up with while they’re poor.
American brain, everybody
No work commute ever means that you can drive any car you want and not care at all about fuel economy.
Or you can do what I haven't done yet but am telling you to do because I'm retarded and poor, and own TWO cars; one fuel economical city daily machine to zip around town, and a honkin american FREEDOM machine to starve gas stations on the weekends.
Can't really relate ngl
>t. not poorfag
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I can't relate.
t. MX-5 ND2 chad
Are you retarded? This makes no sense, you're still burning more gas to go further and it doesn't take more than 5 minutes of low rpm driving to warm up an engine. Shouldn't be burning more than .25 gallons warming up which is like a dollar max depending on what gas you use. Just buy good food and stop being jewish over 75 cents
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>Tablet infotainment

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