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Evo XI might just be the only way to revive their brand
With the WRX STI dead in the water, I believe there’s a decent market for a new Evo
>implying a new Evo wouldn't be a crossover
Here is link for the new Evo if anyone is wondering:
>implying it's not gonna be electric
>implying it won't be a CUV
if they make an electric EVO they should call it EVO Z
To be fair, the the s3/golf r is the 'good enough' evo replacement to keep Mitsubishi out the market
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fixed it
It's not real anon it's just a way to pump mitsu stock.
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Nice Audi
if only
Man, I want to believe, but you just know that if they revive it it's going to be a 2300kg electric crossover
These fucking cunts made it impossible to be excited about one of my few real interests
All new cars are so fucking ugly and gay
Because (You) car enthusiasts never actually went out and bought those Evos, you complained how they were slow ugly and gay with each generation.
Meanwhile karen and timmy actually went out to buy crossovers and SUVs to raise their kids.
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mitsubishi should do a mirage evo, and they could if they were owned by stellantis
>tfw early 20s
I never even had a chance m8
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>>Mitsubishi making a car again

>electric motor assist for ""AWD""" with an economy engine range extender
Let it stay dead.
good lord
>not e-vo
who hired these guys?
They're bugpeople.
Not even fully human.
Bold to assume a bug man could be creative, that's why all modern cars look like geometric shit
They shoulda rolled it back to at least Evo VIII/IX styling. The X was by far the ugliest Evo to date.
You're retarded
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GR Corolla is the new "GR" STI hatch that drives like an old Evo, or so I'm told. And I own one (not the Evo).
An ugly piece of doodoo is what it is

are these good cars? my uber driver had the like special edition sporty one. just as a passenger it didnt feel as bad as it looked to me

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