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>5.5 liter twin turbo v8
>1,064 Horsies
>8 speed dual clutch
Nerds who post track times on here will be completely defeated. Are you ready Porsche f words? Q is in control now…
I do not cope at all about not being born american. As a euro, I live every day thinking about how simple luck determines whether or not someone is born in the great US or not. How great my life would be if I could be american. That being said, who the fuck cares about cars you will never own.
I'm happy for you guys for having one (1) good car.
You COULD own one though.
150k is a lot but it's not like a Ferrari or Lamborghini or 911 GT2 that cost 2-3 times more. It's not something you can buy working at McDonalds but it's something you could afford being upper middle class without needing to be a multi millionaire.
Was surprised to see one of those parked on the street here in my Ausfail oversized country town. Looked a bit too plastic-y for my liking.
>mutts finally a have a mid engine car worth anything
Good job on catching up to Euro cars from decades ago.
You could have been born in India
Those cars are 2-3 times better though
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Congratulations America!
Then why is the Corvette more powerful ;D
Classic americanism of "if we cant do it better, well do it faster and bigger and more powerful"
>well do it faster and bigger and more powerful
aka: better
Not necessarily
>Nerds who post track times on here will be completely defeated
i bet the people who actually track one will be balls slow, just like the current c8 z06 drivers and all of the c7 zr1s i ran into
>we live in a timeline where mutt cars are actually better than euro and japshit
The new gtr will take it down easy
Are we pretending it's not going to be half a mil with a year+ wait time because everyone and their mother will want one?
You could have been born in USA but your parents are indian
>T. american jeet
>new gtr
In 2040?
Yeah no thanks. I’d still take a Porsche every time.
so it's slower than a 90k tesla plaid s.
Here in Norway it'd be x3 that at a minimum.
>without needing to be a multi millionaire
You can not afford a $150k car without at least having $1.5 million in net worth. In effect you'd need to be a multi millionaire since you'd typically have a house as your most valued asset. A house of that worth (1-2mil) would mean you had a 6 figure job your entire life and probably a million or two minimum in a 401k by retirement.

A moron YOLO MD could buy one but he'd be broke and not "affording" it.
>2 more weeks
GTR is done pipsqueak
Plaid top speed?
J/k, don't care
You are what we call car poor.
it runs a 9.2 in a silent 4 door car. who gives a fuck about top speed.
The old GTR is faster than the new ZR1 around the ring.
RIP Ferrari
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it hasn't even beaten a base model C6 with a steel chassis.
>You can not afford a $150k car without at least having $1.5 million in net worth.
Says you. An upper middle class dual income household can easily afford it. Husband trades in his current car, probably worth 50-70k, payments are only around 1500/mo, and wife still has her suv for the kids and stuff. Again it's not something the typical anon can run out and buy but there's thousands and thousands of 45 year old dads out there who are considering these.
I live my life at more than just a quarter of a mile at a time.
>turbo v8
why though?
it would be way cooler with an NA V12
Do you really though? How often are you driving faster than 160mph?
daily reminder of what the next GT-R will look like
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Its great as a track car.

However, it's still a Chevy and that brings about a lot of QOL issues.
>The interiors are good but still just low level luxury tiers
>Constant pushing of onstar bullshit from GM (half the buttons on the screen require a subscription, nearly all the physical buttons are for onstar calls, moving away from carplay in future generations [I believe past 2024 they're removing it, but i could be wrong])
>You have to go through Chevy dealership and servicing (you can do maintenance on your own or through a separate mechanic, but if you're going through warranty or need to deal with factory shit, or you're just buying it, you NEED to deal with a Chevy dealership which is bullshit and filled with low quality employees and other buyers)
>Lack of options and customization
>It still just feels the same as a low level stingray, while it's cool you're still just a better C8 and there's over 100k of those driving around

They might be nitpicks, but at ZR1 levels we're probably talking 200k price range, and if you're dropping that much money those nitpicks are a bigger deal.
You could feasibly be looking at McLarens and low level Lambos. Is it really acceptable to be dealing with Chevy's bullshit at that price range?

I know when I buying a fully loaded C8 dealerships were absolute shit bags to deal with, and if I'm dropping enough money to buy a house I expect to get my dick sucked while I'm doing it, not deal with a bunch of second guessing ass hats constantly questioning me and walking away mid conversation.

I'm sure this will absolutely demolish everything on a track, but most people don't spend $200k just for a track experience.
Normal people maybe.
But pretty much any youtube channel that tracks cars the Z06 is in the upper tiers of rankings usually even to if not beating track focuses porsches.
lotta eurocope itt already
>The interiors are good but still just low level luxury tier
Really? The 3LT on the Corvettes look pretty nice, leather everywhere
It's decent leather, it's not bad by any means but I'd just say it's a standard good.

My mom's camry has leather everywhere too, leather isn't really the mark of luxury. But you compare the C8's interiors to upper luxury cars and you clearly see where it just feels a bit lower end.
In the stingray it's fine, because you're not paying those prices. But again, the ZR1 is going to probably be in that 200k range where it's no longer excusable.
poorshe is on McDonald's dude
you should've posted the meme car affordability chart with this post.
2 more decades
still the burgerring champ
Unironically, as a massive weeb faggot, I'm impressed that Chevy has gotten me into this.
>Not street legal
>Not production
>Racing tires
>Slower than a GT3 GTR
>No vide confirmation
Lol GTR wins again

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