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Fellow yurups, do you too have to get all kinds of extra alarm shit and a tracker installed to get 100K plus vehicles insured?
I'm finally in a position to get an expensive car but it'll come at the cost of being tracked wherever I go, because otherwise my car won't be insured for theft or joyriding
That's usually opt-in. But it doesnt matter, dont spend 100k euroes on a fucking car retard.
europeasant fuming lmao
I'm not, but the MSRP is indicative for this shit, and not used price
I'd say the same to an american. No car is worth 100k whether usd or eur, but at least in america you get to enjoy it more than in europe. Having an expensive as shit car here is a total waste.
it's because they let in too many shitskins. The rate of car theft has gotten too high for insurance companies. When europe was still white you didn't even need to lock your car...
>t. work at insurance company

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