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got some nice welding done the other day for $50
looks good
Looks better than my welds.
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A grinder and paint make me the welder I ain't
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>you thought the fake Mars photos were filmed in the New Mexico desert...
BRB, gotta call TheDailyMail
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Stick welding is not even that hard to get done right. You just have to have the right settings and do the swirls thing. Even my clumsy ass managed.
lmao, you paid money for that? you could've gotten a local high school boy in industrial arts to do it for free, and the results would've been better
sheet metal is pretty thin like <1mm
that's an older car so maybe thicker

anyway stick welding anything below 3mm is hard as fuck
Stick welding on thin gauge sheet metal sucks. Usually you stitch weld it with a mig in short burst so you don't blow through or warp it from over heating.
best investment a $13 welder can make is a cheap,likely stolen, grinder. Good job anon
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rate my welding (I welded for the first time in my life today, and I'll need to weld my entire exhaust
Why are there blueberries in your engine bay
Fucking weldlets lmao
what soviet relic did u use to weld it, anon?
Paton electrodes made on a state-owned factory and some chink Kentawr welder. Granpa's transformer-based monstrousity is sadly buried somewhere in the garage
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also i didn't paint it so now its rusting again

wat do ?
Just let it rust out and go to the $50 guy again
Exhaust leak thread coming soon
Wire brush until most of the rust is removed, either manual or electric if you can fit it, then coat with rust converter.
Nice paskahitsi lmao.

Protips to weld shitboxes so the inspector fuckass don't complain?
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You need to brush it with grease and molten candle wax. I suggest scented because that is very :3
did you weld silver lamo

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