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>The perfect family vehicle type was invented
>Replaced entirely by objectively worse, soulless copemobiles
With this in mind, why have any hope in humanity? People are so utterly shallow and retarded.
How was Stellantis so pants shitting retarded they got rid of the best selling minivan of all time?
people prefer to ride bus sized high sitting cuckmobiles. Also minivans don't sell good in the biggest market.
the irony
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I wonder what would happened if German brands had built premium minivans instead of crossovers?
Would the perception of them have changed?
>Renault Espace, 1984
Renault Espace, 2024
the minivan is literally the only thing Chrysler sells anymore
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Because they look like ugly blobs you retard, they're eggshit.
I'd take pic related over any ugly looking eggshit minivan.
Show me a boxy minivan and I'd take it.
>Because they look like ugly blobs you retard
>posts an ugly piece of shit
the chrysler pacifica has been a popular choice among many minivan buyers, I've noticed. I don't know if it's any good reliability wise though. i'm pretty sure it's just a pentastar so once you replace the plastic oil cooler it's bulletproof until the electronics fail.
and the plastic thermostat housing, and the plastic coolant crossover, and the plastic water pump impeller, and the plastic valve covers, and the plastic upper and lower intakes, and the retarded dual stage oil pump, and and and...
i hate 2024 too anon. i really do.
You are mindrotten to think any of OP pic looks better kek
I can't wait for crossovers to die in 15 years or so, when zoomers finally have new car money and don't buy them because "they are lame, my parents had one"
They just look like vans. They don't look good, but they don't look bad either, they're just fucking vans. Retards like you belong on a cross.
They look like nigger shit, ugly, displeasing to look at, like someone sells crack out of it, or it's meant for people with disabilities. You are 99% chance a mindrotten zoomer anyway, why am i attempting to communicate with you.
So where's your 90s dodge minivan bro? If you love them so much, why dont you own one?
>Your soccer mom mobile looks retarded faggot
>>The perfect family vehicle type was invented
Correct, weird that you didn't post it though
Huh? All Im saying is that maybe youre just wrong about something, maybe the whole world isnt just "shallow" or whatever for having different tastes than you. Maybe your tastes are just wrong.
If you have a family and own a minivan, please let us know to prove me wrong.
Pacifica is shite, the 2 people I know who have one have constant electrical>>27841463
CAFE standards really ruined the entire US car market didn't they?

>Can't make wagons anymore because they're not efficient enough
>guess we'll just make minivans that are just slightly worse wagons, since we can classify them as trucks and get away with worse efficiency
Regulators are fucking retarded
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at least pic a non pozzed jeep
>Maybe your tastes are just wrong.
Or maybe you're retarded and your tastes are also retarded
That is the ugliest car ive ever seen
If im wrong then how come there are so many who buy 3 row SUVs instead of minivans?
Everyones just wrong except you and a bunch of autists on /o/ and reddit right?
>If you have a family and own a minivan
When did I ever say that you faggot? All I said is that what you think looks good is fucking ugly.

For the record, I agree with >>27841500 but vans are still better family vehicles than retarded cuckover SUVs
>Everyones just wrong except you and a bunch of autists on /o/ and reddit right?
yes, see you do get it
Whatever you say about a boxy 3 row SUV, it looks better than a fucken minivan.
People want cars they don't find ugly, if you haven't noticed.
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The perfect """family type vehicle"""" has always existed. With crew cabs and modern amenities, new pickups are luxury vehicles with plenty of power, decent mpg and creature comforts. Minivans started as full-size vans to begin with which were just a glorified truck anyways.
People (you) are retarded and have shit taste, this is well-known.
>literally just a worse station wagon for manlets
Minivans have third row seating, more cargo space, way better MPG, and cost way less. Truggs are a fashion statement/fun car not a good alternative
And they're ugly as fuck
Your shitbox is ugly too, at least the ugly van is functional though Jamal.

You may not like it, but this is what peak car performance looks like.
>I need my utilitarian family hauler to display fake status and aggression to others
Woman moment
With the advent and recent popularity of hybrids, I would fucking love to see someone bring back the golden age of station wagons. Zoomers love 70s dad aesthetics, if only they weren't so retarded and unable to afford anything maybe the market would cater to them.
SUVs only gained popularity and were considered "cool" because of shit like Escalades being seen as nigger status symbols, so congratulations you have the taste of a retarded ape nigger.
>roomy as fuck
>tons of seating
>easy to turn around and slap the shit out of the kids if they won't shut the fuck up
>insane cargo space
>great visibility
>wayback seats let the kids play with the family dog on roadtrips and make faces at the retarded faggots tailgating you
>you just know that fucker's got a full size spare included
>drop the back seats and you've got plenty of space to fuck your bitch at the drive in
>soulful hood ornament
>Functional tailgate great for loading a bunch of shit in there and camping utility, back windshield rolls down for maximum comfy breeze or fitting a bunch of surfboards in the trunk
>lots of nice interior color options
>aesthetic wood paneling inside and out
>huge luggage rack at an easily accessible height
Never forget what they took from you
>I'm getting a b-body wagon for the senpaitachi if I ever find a wife-able girl
>Rearview facing seats in the trunk allows children to see their death approaching
Left out the best part anon
This but unironically. Zoomers will never enjoy all the fun shit we got to do as kids because it's too dangerous.
Rear facing seats are actually safer in the majority of collisions than a front facing seat in the same position because the force of impact tends to be spread across the entire seat instead of the just the small contact patch of a seatbelt. If someone rams your ass hard enough to physically smash the third row, facing forward won't save your retarded kids.
An EV minivan with a gas range extender would be perfect
>hurr durr muh ICE
Shut the fuck up and stop pretending that transverse V6s and exploding transmissions weren't anything other than complete ass and packaging nightmares
Its even more over for the gen being born now. My state legally requires kids to sit in car seats and "booster seats" until age 8...
Not allowed to sit in the front seat until age 13!
Women should not vote and should not run for office
>and candidates should be testosterone tested
Thanks Obama
Nigga they won't fucken fit
>t. tall zoomie
I swear to god eventually it's going to be illegal for children to travel in cars unless they are fully encased in expanding foam shells that you need a subscription for.

God forbid we just focus on making drivers avoid slamming their cars into each other.
They are ugly and they are visible. That's reason enough not to buy them.
Good looks anywhere are highly desired. I don't think that's vain at all.
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>>being a fucking dad in a sleazy recession decade is the new unattainable dream goal
It's really quite tragic
>70's aesthetic fucks at least
>Removes back seats
You move now government
What attracts you to slow ugly and gay looking cars?
Is it that you yourself as slow ugly and gay?
No ones forcing you to buy an SUV over a minivan... Yet I dont see you owning a minivan. Show me your minivan right now.
Or let just the people with actual families do the talking.
Jeep grand cherokee sales: 244,597
Toyota Sienna sales: 54,347
Honda Odyssey sales: 71,511
Chrysler Pacifica sales: 120,655
That's right, a single fucken 2 row SUV model is the preferred choice for americans than every single fucken minivan.
But yes the childless virgin losers on /o/ know what the real correct car for families is
Having 8 kids with different gorilla niggers who you refuse to support doesn't count as having a family Tyrone.
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How'd you make it this far in life accusing everyone of liking different things as you of being a nigger
Fucking repulsive virgin loser
The only people I see driving minivans in OP's pic is unironically niggers in the hood, anon. Or people with disabilities (always parked in disability spots, but they're usually just obese or some shit).
Indeed minivans are the cheapest way to drive around your 5 kids from 5 different baby daddys.
I was specifically talking about the Caravan since it was priced cheaper than the Pacifica.
By being right lol, sorry I struck a nerve Jkwon.
Not really. For the Grand Caravan's final model year (2020), the Voyager (base model version of the Pacifica) retailed at $545 less than the base Grand Caravan.
Ok pablo muttinez
That's all chryslers. It's something everyone accepts when they buy one.
>the future is NOW, BITCHES
>[something about a hard dick]
why can't we have this attitude again, why does the future have to be gray and sad
Mercedes tried with the Metris. It failed horribly. The VW Routan also failed horribly.
You are extremely out of touch with the modern minivan market.
When it comes to hauling people truggs are literally just inferior SUVs (which in turn are inferior wagons)
Have you been in a modern crew cab half ton or larger truck? They make a long wheelbase executive sedan feel claustrophobic. Even most modern """SUV's""" can't compete. How often are you hauling more than 4 people at a time?
>But yes the childless virgin losers on /o/ know what the real correct car for families is
Having children doesn't turn people into automotive experts.

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