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Going across country with a modded car.

My car has a high flow cat, headers, intake, and an exhaust with a burble tune. It's really not that loud and the burble activates high in the rpm range.

If I drove across country, what are the chances of me getting into legal trouble with it? As long as it's not loud and a have a high flow cat should I be fine? It's just a normal Corolla, but the exhaust looks aggressive.
>corolla with a burble tune
holy fuck kill yourself
being gay is not illegal anymore, I think you're in the clear
It's just to make it sound like an Elantra N, it doesn't pop loud.
I've driven CA to VA in a foxbody with open headers and didn't have any issues other than having to wear earplugs the whole time. You'll be fine. Also, you're a faggot and your car is gay.
Didn't you just crash your Corolla? Is it silver with all the shit on it?
Calm down boomer, every generation had its version of stupid shit people did to their cars, for zoomers its burble tuning everything.
Just let people have fun and grow out of it.
Mine isn't silver

It's fun and it gets good gas mileage, also sounds good for a 4 cylinder. At least it's a 6speed
It's an imageboard, post your car
Why are retards installing burble tunes? Do you want to wreck your turbo and cat as fast as possible? What's the appeal of sounding like you have a bad tune?
other people on tik tok do it so they have to do it too
Because it's attention grabbing.
Ugly. Slow. Gay.
hatchbacks are GAY as FUCK
"burble tunes" are GAY as FUCK
Kek fucking weeblet ricelet stancelet slowfaglet boyracelet
Just stay the FUCK out of the passing lane when you see those angel eyes and roundel, you gay nerdball
>yellow fever amerilard with pigfat car detected
no amount of cylinders will make up for your lack of personality with the ladies bro
Kek "based," to use the parlance of our times.
Lol corollas are ugly, slow, and gay.
Why are weeblet ricelet stancelet slowfaglet boyracelets so fucking delusional?
You will never be me with that shitty punctuation.
I couldn't give two shits about how slow my Corolla is. I've had way faster cars in the past, I just think it's fun.

I genuinely just like the sound of a bit of overrun

I replaced the Cat with a high flow one, and I have no turbo to worry about
>I've had way faster cars in the past
Lol no you haven't
>I've had way faster cars in the past
prove it
If this isn't bait then why are you tuning a Corolla that's not a GR, seems like a waste of parts and effort, and second nobody's gonna give a shit unless your going out of your way to piss people off
I had a tuned Mk7 Golf R and a GT2 Stinger before. My Corolla with the 6speed is more fun than both.
Why would I pay $50k + markup for a Corolla when I can get one for cheap as fuck?
>You will never be me with that shitty punctuation.
How can i correct it
Because for the performance gains your getting with all of those parts your still gonna have less horsepower then a GR86, and a brand new 86 is only gonna set you back a couple more grand more maybe once you factor parts
>pay $50k + markup for a Corolla
Yeah they are expensive for what your getting
The VW blew up because of the tune right? The Kia blew up because it's Korean? Makes sense that you got a Toyota, but all the modding you're doing is pointless. Just go and get the GR.
Got into an accident with the Golf and gave the stinger to my wife because automatics are for women

I'm not trying to make more power, the trans in the e210 cant handle more than 200ft/lbs of torque. I'm just trying to make it sound good, and handle good in the twisties. It's fast enough for me already. Also I don't have to feel bad for ricing up a base Corolla cause there are millions of them.
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This is now the 3rd anon on the board modding a base Corolla. What the actual fuck is going on?
Looks good
Has extensive aftermarket support thanks to the GR
Gets good gas mileage
Easy to work on
Good daily creature comforts
Have you seen the car prices recently?
>high flow cat, headers, intake, and an exhaust
>It's just a normal Corolla


OP putting an exhaust on a fkning Corolla. exhaust mods are for cars that actually sound good, not your shitty little economy car.

I hope you get that POS impounded.
Then you should invest in your tires and suspension setup more then anything else. The burb tune is still retarded and it might fuck your Cat if you care about that over a long enough time, but you really don't need to worry about loudness unless your running a straight pipe or open headers, and even then most cops have better things to do
I have UEL headers so it sounds like a Subie. No rasp at all and it's quiet.
They are on the list, waiting for my stock parts to wear out to replace them with an upgrade.

The tune was mainly for throttle response and to help with rev hang.
nothing wrong with burble tunes but but do it to a performance car or a "ricer" car like an 86/brz/fiesta st
>Kek "based,

only dumbass 4chan zoomers talk like this

they must think they're cool or edgy talking in slang that no one else uses
>having your pcm flashed

The worst part is anons shitbox corolla isn't even turbo charged
NA 2L as the good Lord intended
>nothing wrong with burble tunes
incorrect. all tunes designed for burbles or pops and bangs get the rope. the side effect of burble caused by other mods the only acceptable option
That's like asking why the econo Civic is a popular car to mod with good aftermarket support
>Has extensive aftermarket support thanks to the GR
Without the rally AWD and the 3cyl why bother? You're getting nothing performance-wise with a burble tune fwiw.
Base civic modding is universally frowned upon, except in the Hispanic community.
you sound like a coward, so probably 0 chance unless you're a minority
You don't need either for a street car. There's always a better car out there, just enjoy what you have and have fun with it.
Corolla is more sporty than anything american
>noo you, can't mod the base model you need to mod the mod model

Kill yourselves
You can, it's just gay, compared to buying the factory modded model
>and leaving it stock
>maybe wheels
Id take my car modded over a stock GR for fun factor. Maybe I'm just dumb.

Feels nice when you physically made a boring car more fun.
The GR is a $40k car, that's not an option for just anyone
>burble tune
>Feels nice when you physically made a boring car *make fart noises
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Even gayer.
You are absolutely high on crack if you wouldn't pick a GR over the base model even if the base model is modded.
Nice one

$50k buys my Corolla + all the mods I want, cheaper insurance, cheaper driving costs, better gas mileage and leaves $28k or I can buy the same car with AWD and one less cylinder for the entire amount.

Everybody just sees a Corolla anyways. 90% of the fun is there when it's modded. The GR is going to rev hang out the ass, sound like a vaccum cleaner, and it's just flat out ugly compared to the base hatchbacks.

I'll just enjoy my cheap shit and throw a mod on it every weekend.
I have a corolla hatchback and really there is nothing that can be done at this moment to justify mods beyond appearance. It just isn't a GTI
>What the actual fuck is going on?
I've been modding a base jetta, what you gonna do about it?
as rolla hatch owner it is because it looks good and basically is just a stock "sporty" hatch from the 00's. it is not worth really upgrading anything other than a drop-in air filter as turning is way too expensive for literally no power (turns from 170hp to 200 hp at best last time i checked).
a civic is a completely different car from a corolla as a civic engine can produce more power when tuned. a corolla engine doesn't do much
Laugh at you.
>$50k buys my Corolla + all the mods I want, cheaper insurance, cheaper driving costs, better gas mileage and leaves $28k
So you're going to spend, what, 5k on mods? Less? What does that get you? An exhaust and coilovers? A short throw shifter? You could spend all 50k on a base Corolla with mods and you still won't get to where the GR is without a major change like an engine and drivetrain swap.

>or I can buy the same car with AWD and one less cylinder
It's not even remotely the same car apart from maybe the interior.

>The GR is going to rev hang out the ass
No it doesn't, not even remotely.

>Everybody is just going to see a Corolla anyways
Who's driving the car, them or you? Are you buying the car to impress others or to have fun yourself? Insisting a base Corolla with an exhaust and intake is funner than a GR is an absolutely ludicrous statement.
small displacement NA copers are even worse than "no replacement for displacement" faggots
A GR is not a Corolla you fucking retard. That’s like saying a modded 220i is better and cheaper than an M2. Poorfag cope.
Owned a 2020 corolla 6mt for a bit, whatever you do DO NOT aggressively use 1st gear, the wheel hop disconnected my steering rack from the subframe, sold it after Toyota couldn't diagnose it until the 5th visit (was under warranty still, or would have gone elsewhere).
Suspension was nice and supple though, which was probably why it hops so bad.
I've only spent $1200. I could get all chassis stiffners, motor mounts, shifter bushings, coilovers, tires, track brake fluid and good brake pads for the remainder. It will definitely feel like a more purpose built fun car with those mods. I wouldn't trust the GR stock on a track.

The rear motor mounts are super soft and they are pretty much all broken after 100 miles. It's about $70 and really easy to do. Highly recommended.

Same chassis, body, and interior? Idk man, I just see the GR as a cash grab. It's nothing but fluff. The EPA is still cucking your "rally" car. Also your rear diff is going to overheat on the third lap. The 2 liters can run all day and stay cool.
>I just see the GR as a cash grab. It's nothing but fluff.
Hard disagree but to each their own. I'm just saying you can enjoy modifying your car or whatever but to say it's funner then the GR is mental.
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>Same chassis, body, and interior?
Body and interior yes, but the chassis and suspension specifically are a rally world apart iirc. Between that and power boost it's the funnest Toyota hatchback ever created. No amount of tuning to the base models can achieve, without totally usurping the cost. We should have been offered the Yaris GR here in NA, so the Grolla is a compromise, but still

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