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File: maxresdefault2-1.jpg (208 KB, 1600x898)
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How come 5,800 cars get hit by trains every year.

Like seriously, people this retarted to not be on the tracks
She probably stopped on the tracks for the red light. No thinking only breathing required to acquire drivers license in usa.
the average level of intelligence is at an all time low, were literally living in a time when your average joe is fine with onepercenters fucking up the entire world economy for decades to come using a fucking flu as an excuse. That these creafures kill themselves in the dumbest ways imaginable is natural selection at work.
a couple of them bottom out. have you not seen videos of 12+ people trying to push a car off the tracks before it gets hit by a train? they get stuck. and no you fucking moron, this doesn’t happen exclusively to cars with less than 1 inch of ground clearance.
also, some people seem to think it’s better to get struck by a train and potentially earn some huge payout than to scratch their car a bit by ramming through the flimsy barriers. i don’t know if the former actually happens but i’m guessing that’s what half the niggers getting struck on youtube think.

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