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It's OVER, ICEissies.
Badass AND Viking-approved
Opinion discarded
who cares
34y old diesel bmw wagon is more fun to hoon around then any modern hyper junk lol
10000 hp jet car breaks sound barrier wheel powered cars on suicide watch
>hide changbot threads
>ignore changbot posts
>do not reply to changbot posters
>A one-off prototype is faster than road-going production vehicles
1900kg even with a carbon fiber tub btw. Which it won't be getting for the production version so expect 2300+
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>explosive vehicle
>explosive chinkshit
Lmao even
top or bottom?
will literally destroy every car you put it next to. OP was correct.
>Factory limited to only 200km/h
>Still explodes anyways
Heh, nice crackhead chang propagandist.
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ooohhh nononononono
>carbon fiber death missile with chink construction standards
i applaud that chinks for their creativity but holy fuck this should never see the light of day outside of their country. i wouldn't want to be anywhere near a roadway with this rolling disaster
>yanks are WILLINGLY allowing chinks to bomb their citizens with these
they lost the cold war
We already blockaded xiaomi products in the US
Who is this ugly meth head and why does he think people want to see his clapped out soiface?
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that's what you saltines get for the opium wars

we fentanyl poisoning and EV bombing you now

i raff
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>What EV do you drive
>A mk5 Golf
>Non-production trim
Keks, do chinks really?

Ching chong ling long
The Yangwang U9 was recently driven and presented in Europe

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