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File: ToyotaTundra.jpg (116 KB, 972x753)
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This to address the Tundra recall issues regarding the V6 turbo spun bearings issues.

An estimated 100,000 engines at about $30,000 a pop.

Toyota owner already paid for new engine with just from the Toyota tax
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Wouldn't it be easier to just replace the entire truck at that point?
Easier? Yes
Cheaper? No

I'm thinking Toyota wants to take advantage of the lower labor rate they get with the local service departments.
$3B? Whoaaaa nelly
The ones I've seen up close have orange peel paint that looks like someone rattle canned over bedliner.
Check out the rockers on one, you'll shit a brick.
They also have pure plastic front ends, which is why they don't have recovery hooks- there's nothing there to attach anything to.
They worked with Ford for some time before releasing these trucks, how did they fuck it up so bad? Toyota is better at hybrids than Ford is but apparently they don't know how to make a turbo engine.
They should have just put the B58 in it.
The most reliable high performance turbo engine Toyota offers is a BMW engine LMAO
New Toyota's are so bad, anyone stupid enough to buy them deserves these Hyundai tier engines
brooooo toyota reliabili-ACK!
>The most reliable high performance turbo engine Toyota offers is a BMW engine
I wonder how Toyota fags are coping about this one. You ok bros?
This is why you never fucking ever buy a new gen vehicle from any manufacturer. You're paying to be a guinea pig product tester.
Once the techs get a few done it will be a pretty fast process. Dealer technicians get paid a flat rate so they'll be incentivesed to trun them out fast.
more like I hate shitty Toyotas
Is this the bearing issue?
>This to address the Tundra recall issues regarding the V6 turbo spun bearings issues.

read nigga
i read this is caused by debris from machining the block not getting washed out. is this accurate? because that's an incredible degree of complacency
no because it doesn't cost them anywhere near $30k. toyota probably has $3k in the engine and they'll reimburse the shop probably $2k in labor. The $30k is the consumer walking in off the street and getting raped by the dealership price.
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>$30,000 a pop.
It's nice to see the japanese learning american tax accounting methods.
Based, I'm gonna go buy a '24
They've only sold 100k of these things so far? Why are they $70-120k then?
>Why are they $70-120k then?
Because Toyota is notorious for fucking you with dealer markups because toyocucks will line up to pay it. The MSRP is completely irrelevant for anything Toyota.
>warranty engine gets to be installed by tyrone the 17 year old drug dealer
imagine how fucked that engine bay is going to be afterwards, you just know everything is getting sprayed with brake cleaner
This is fake news. Only Hyundai/Kia engines are bad.

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