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Why cant they just use toothed belts like timing belts instead of relying on friction and also ruins the bearing
Stop, don't remind me
because car engineers hate you and want you dead
>belts squeal like shit
>dump sand on belt
>extra fiction makes it nice and quiet
>sell car off.
based arab curbstoner
It's really not a problem when you have it tightened down perfectly , and your belt aren't falling apart.
>It's really not a problem when you have it tightened down perfectly , and your belt aren't falling apart.
ain't nobody got time fo dat shit
Would this work on a transmission?
for transmissions, arab curbstoners add that really thick anti-slip crap, or if it's slipping really bad, sawdust.
maybe for a very short time until the bearings and gears are grinded up.
does that meme of rubbing a stick of deodorant on the belt while it's running work?
they make a spray on belt dressing that will silence it, but just replace the belt
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v belt breaker bar bros we cant stop winning
What did he mean by this?
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