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I've always liked v8s with tons of torque. So I never really HAD to wring my engine out to move much. After watching tons of POV videos on Jewtube I've realized I shift really early, and I shift a lot.

My car redlines at about 6200 rpms. I'm almost always shifting by 2500 unless I'm trying to speed. If I'm cruising for more than a few seconds I'll almost always be in the highest gear.

Am I really "extending" the life of my engine by shifting early all the time or am I just being retarded and keeping myself from hearing my glorious v8 come to life for no reason? Seems like a lot of people will accelerate up to 35-55-whatever and keep it in 4th (or 5th, if it's a 6 speed.) Seems much more fun but yeah, I've always figured it's always best to keep RPMs down, always. Without bogging your engine of course.
anon, you've got a bulge...
>rev bad
did a boomer teach you to drive?
Also own a v8, I shift at 3000 especially from first gear
My LT1 Corvette redlines at 5700 RPM. If i am driving casually I shift at 2.5k to 3k. If I am trying to get moving (eg taking off from a light, turning onto the highway) I'll run it up to 4500-4700 RPM when the torque starts coming down. 30 years old, 120k miles.
When I had a manual I always shifted low cause fuel economy is better and I never drove very fast anyway
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What car an/o/n
I've a c4 and I do the exact same thing
>muh gas mileage
and have the exact same rev limit
>revving it is fun though, the lt1 loves to rev above 5k despite 50's pushrod crossplane tech
It's good practice for fuel economy at least, just breathe on the throttle and shift when the torque runs out
Is that a bad thing? Boomers take care of their cars for decades. Money-shifting accelerates wear.
money shifting is when you put the car in the wrong gear retard
yes you should use the entire fucking powerband
you paid for it, why are you afraid of POWERRRRR?
Yes. But I think I'd drive the same either way.
An 08 GT. Drove the same in my 93 camaro, 95 firebird, 94 95 and 97 mustang.
Based lt1 enjoyers. I liked the ones I had a lot. Little raspy for my liking but very fun cars.
That's not what money shifting is, but just change your engine oil on time. Reving is better than lugging your engine
Revving isn't better for the life of the engine, but OP isn't "lugging" either. Just early shifting.
Shifting at 2500 is pretty normal for normal driving unless you're some seething normie that's late for his wagecage and needs to be at the next red light sooner. It's a good idea to give it some revs and some heat from time to time to burn the carbon off though. Top speed runs are great for this if you can find a good spot to do it.
t. drive a 110hp NA i4 and shift up between 2200 and 3k rpm under normal driving conditions
Driving your car at all isn't good for the engine kek. Just keep it in a garage.
should have gotten a prius
Nothing wrong with revving it out once it's warmed up every once in a while, they put the rev limit there for a reason.
at low RPM you are using less fuel so that is something. also less RPM = less wear but the drivetrain these cars have is usually bulletproof to begin with.
make hear roar every other week for a few minutes to burn away some of the residue that might stick around in the exhaust
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You need to drive it harder.
I don't care what anyone here says, unless you have a tune the Rev limiter is set way below what it needs to be to idiot proof cars.
If it's a 400+hp "sports car" you are rolling around with a racing engine you Rev it and let engine breaking slow you down.
You will fuck shit up lugging it.
Boomer mythology there. Ive tested it, and keeping the rpms up a little bit from where automatics are programmed to shift improves MPG. Once I borrowed A pickup from my boomer stepdad and got 17 MPG for the trip. I was speeding most of the way. He denied it was possible to get 17 MPG with that truck cause he only got 12 at best. But he was lugging the shit out of it all the time.
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>best gauge for fuel econ is engine vacuum; those fat 70's econ gauges worked and weren't a meme
It's simple, really: low throttle --> high TB vacuum --> [physic-shit (air velocity?)] --> better fuel mixture --> better burn --> mpg go up
This is why supposed quadra"junk" carbs can get 22+ MPG on a fatass v8 if tuned right and light foot, and how that one guy got a niggerrigged lawnmower carb to get 40 mpg on a 302; it's all about the high vacuum
*and, I should add, great timing
by lugging it the boomer dad had to press the pedal more, reducing vacuum/air velocity/whatever, thus lowering mpg
the problem with regular autos is they absolutely refuse to downshift unless you mash the pedal, leading to hill-lugging

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