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My car's ebrake stopped working, so I now leave it in gear when I park (manual gearbox). Is it possible for it to pop out of gear and start rolling if my gearbox is worn or is it 100 percent safe? I park on a slight inclination always
thats a man
cute flat tomboy with puffy vulva
nevermind I figured it out
slit your throat fasggot
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what is wrong with being gay exactly?
its gay
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>what is wrong with being gay exactly?
centering your entire personality around being homophobic doesnt make you cool or edgy or whatever
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centering your entire personality around being homosexual doesnt make you cool or edgy or whatever
Yes it does. It's why I'm homophobic even though I let my best friend hit it.
the feminist fears the homosexual. if you hate gay men you are a feminist simp
It could be. One lady did this on university's park. We saw the lever was on gear but it had popped off.

It's not hard to wrench it it just takes motivation to do it. I hate unmotivated people who will just say leave it on gear.
Get yourself a set of wheel chocks OR just stop being a nigger retard and fix your shit
people hate the way gay men act.
if they were just dudes who enjoy other dudes and that was the only difference there would be absolutely no problem with them.
but no being gay is a whole public personality for them and they have to act like brainless californian valley girls and obsess over useless foppery. quite frankly nobody likes women who act like that either.

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