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how often should i change my tranny fluid?
id drink her tranny fluid if you know what i mean
What exactly is the end goal of this thread
read your owners manual dumbass
that is a man
Seconded, it's usually going to be every 60k miles but it depends what the manufacturer recommends.
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Never , trust me bro
That's a man?

Once before 85k


Once before 110k
How do you even do that to an engine
Not even close. The wrists are what gives it away, plus you know the whole smoking hot thing. so either that is very well shooped or its a tranny posting pictures of attractive (real) women as if they are troons as a sort of weird LARP fantasy.
> wrists
My wrists are 6 inches in circumference kek and im a man
It’s just a look. You know it when you see it, even the skinniest man wrists and distinguishable from meaty women wrists.
You're a retard. Sherry Kosnaski - you can find a photo showing his ballsack.
Well roll me in bread crumbs and call me a chicken tender
And you are a faggot
What's her name OP?
>how often should i change my tranny fluid?
Every 30 thousand miles MAX.

Remember to only use OEM fluids when replacing.

Why? Because OEM fluids are made to a higher specification than both Castrol and Mobil, even if made by them.

ATF is one example, here both OEM fluid and Mobil 3309 are made by Mobil, made to JWS 3309 standards, but have differing specs.

OEM Volvo Fluid:
Color: Red
Density: 850 kg/m3
Base: Mineral oil
Lowest flow point -54 °C (104°F)
Viscosity at +40 °C: 40.0 mm2 /s
Viscosity at +100 °C: 7.5 mm2 /s


Mobil 3309 Fluid:
Brookfield Viscosity @ -40 C, 13000 mPa.s,

Color, Visual


Density @ 15 C, 0.852 g/cm3

Flash Point, Cleveland Open Cup, °C, >185

Kinematic Viscosity @ 100 C, 7.1 mm2/s

Kinematic Viscosity @ 40 C, 30 mm^2/s

Pour Point, °C, ‹ -45

Viscosity Index, ASTM D2270: 181

The Mobil fluid is 25% less viscous at lower temps, and less viscous at high temps
Dont change engine oil for 84k miles

killing time at work on a Friday probably
I still find it hard to believe she’s a troon. Her features are too feminine.
Depending on the car. Anywhere between 75k miles to 150k miles
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I hear two things usually; every 25-30k miles or never. Obviously the latter is a retarded choice, but some boomer shops always say it.

Tranny fluid wears out just like any other fluid does, and leaving it in there permanently or for extreme periods of time will be bad longterm.

If that was my tranny I'd be wetting my dipstick at least twice daily.
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conveniention says every 100k or 10 years. I just go by fluid color
b o o b a
butterface whore
>how often should i change my tranny fluid?
Never, there is many cases that it is damaging itself and the used fluid keeps with the damaged slivers resulting in it going longer. Depends on the tranny. in Many cases it is best to keep it until it finally stops working as swapping the fluid may result in it just dying at that point.
You should just let it go as normal until it begins to slip or outright dies. After that just replace it with another that is newer with less mileage/wear and tear.
Whenever it starts to turn black

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