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I think this is a porsche that would look cool, with the circular headlights, all black, and super cheap.

Can anyone here tell me if this is a bad idea for my first and hopefully final ever luxury car?
What's the VIN so we can see when they rolled the miles back and repaired crash damage?
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I thought bongs weren't allowed to own more than 2.0 L of motor without a special loicence and extra taxes and a letter from the Queen or some shit.
Buy a Type R EP3 my guy for vintage Euro hooning.
Queen is dead mate
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Well that's going to make it hard to get that letter now isn't it?
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>Type R EP3
Insurance tends to be quite cheap for 911s atleast here in Germany. But as the old saying goes: If you can't afford it new you can't afford it used. Any spare parts you might require will cost signifficantly more than for the average car. Make sure to perform regular maintenance and that it's problem free before you buy. Maybe look into Prosche approved.
no bro i aint going to pay double for a safe porsche im going to risk it, i can afford it aslong as it works mostly!
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I love my USDM Si.
Learned how to drive on it, delivered pizzas, and drove it hard without issue for years.
Due for a transmission synchros and a clutch kit now but that K20 just does not quit if you keep oil in it.
Please actually check and don't just go off a third party website listing
Fair enough. Just be awair that these engines have the possibility of randomly shitting the bed especially if it's well over 100k miles and was driven the way it is meant to be.
well now im concerned
>brown hands typed this
lol not brown, so what is the aryans choice of luxury car then? please dont say somethign a girl wont recognise like an aston martin
Jeet, arab, or nigger?
Real aryan men don't drive luxury cars, we drive corollas
Only browns need gaudy luxury shit

t. PDK enjoyer
Never happend to me but Porsche forums are suspiciously filled with reports of breaking some time after 100k kms. One very important thing you need to remember if you buy it is to let the oil get up to temp before reving the engine past 5-6k since that results in extremely strong wear on them.
The tip is the only reliable thing on that car.
However an even MORE important thing you need to remember if you buy it is to NEVER under any circumstances let the car idle to warm up to temperature. Just get in it and drive. If you don't, you'll definitely be replacing the engine.

Esp for the UK that's kind of a lot of miles, plus awd, plus tip means it's prob not going to be as fun as you think it is.
York is a lovely city tho
You're going to be paying twice that in keeping it running and fixing it. At least.
The engine is fine stop being a queen.
I only see browns driving corollas and camrys, nice try

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