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File: GHNKrM6aQAAQYs8.jpg (206 KB, 1296x648)
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what went wrong?
>two fiat 500 turdblows
>No stick upon debut
>Dealerships have zero interest in moving units unless there's 100% markup
>Just a 350/370 with a bodykit
I personally think it's ugly aswell
After having seen a few, it’s better looking than a 350z by far, but worse than a 370z
I saw a nissan Z IRL in a subaru dealership lot
That was passing by driving, didnt get to see it
they built 4 of them
buying a V2 Nismo and putting a supercharger on it gets you the same experience for at least $20k less
>No stick upon debut
You're thinking of the mk5 supra, this was available as a 6 speed manual and 9 speed auto from the start. Nissan is making one a month at best.
Ricelet weeblet pigfat 370Z bodykit
the skirt is so ugly on this, makes it look boxy
Bot post
he's not wrong if he's talking about the Nismo, which dropped the manual with the new model
pretty ironic since the 370Z Nismo didn't get automatic until its mid-life refresh
it has 400hp
I've seen exactly one of these on the road in the last two years. They have insane markup and Nissan dealers act like they're selling a whole ass GTR.
Ugly. Slow. Gay.
you stink
I know they did initially but I can't imagine that still being the case, because who is buying them? I've also only seen one, around Raleigh. They should be offering these at or below MSRP now.
No one is buying them, that's the point. A dealsrship might have one at a time, maybe. It's like the Nissan dealership is a boomer going "I know what I got", they know that eventually they'll find some stupid sucker willing to drop 60k or more to get in one. Nissan dealerships don't survive off selling 400Zs so they'll just sit on them forever.
thats a good sales pitch
>Dealer markups
>Supply issues
>Underwhelming performance compared to the competitor which is cheaper
a fucking tv as a gauge cluster
Is the 400 rarer than the LFA or something? Why has no one seen them? I'm still catching R35s here and there.
There's two at my local dealer, the ADM is reasonable at least: it's a full PPF wrap.

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