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These things are absolutely repulsive looking. I don’t care if it’s supposed to be a throwback to the original. It looks like ass. Yes it’s fast but that is the only positive thing that can be said about it. It’s also a massive car. Muscle cars were not always this big. Look at the muscle cars from the 80s and 90s. They were much more tastefully designed and smaller and more nimble. These modern muscle cars are all oversized fat and ugly looking. Overall just a trashy car for trashy people. It screams trailer trash, nigger or military douchebag.
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Shut the fuck up tranny
Cry more faggot Challener driver. U probably drive one because u are mentally challenged.
The original sucked as well.
It's pretty crazy that you can design a brick on wheels like this and people will cream themselves over it. It's like the Glock of cars only even more clunky looking and even more childish. People that like the design of this probably like the tessie "cyber truck." Never known anyone who likes these cars over Mustangs, Corvettes, or Camaros. Just gigantic boats made for niggers and whiggers to dump money into I guess.
To me, they are cars that I would buy solely for the engine, which is why I don't understand the appeal of this car in any trim lower than Hellcat
What? It looks great, as a Bong I wish I could get one.
I remember liking these back when I was kid before I knew anything about cars. I also had this weird affection towards Nissan Cubes. I guess roblox and minecraft made me really like mobile bricks
It's called having a healthy amount of testosterone in your blood.
I don't hate chargers, but challengers were always the worst 2 door choice.
I think they are pretty good. You are just salty in your Jetta.
Yeah I don't really care for them either, would much rather have an original 70s chally in all white, nothing really appealing about the modern chally where you have to spend 5 mins disabling the traction control to do a weak ass burnout
Low test: The post
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Think the modern Challenger is awesome. Would fucking love one. t. Ausfag
>Yes it’s fast
Only the 392 and up. R/Ts are just "quick" and base models are a joke.
post your car
nah they look based

post your car
Agree 100 percent. Pic related is the future of how cars should look.
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