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The #1 issue for EVs isn't reliability, range, Tesla, etc. It's that most people don't have anywhere to charge them. You basically need to own a house in order to own an EV, and this is getting harder to do in the US, not easier. Most apartment buildings don't have chargers, most offices don't have chargers, most parking lots don't have chargers - and even if they did, you don't want to have to randomly charge you car whenever you happen to be at these places.
So if the bottleneck is owning a house that's still at least 50% EV ownership that can be targeted -- and it's getting there
Not to mention the number of apartments that have charging facilities.
>You basically need to own a house in order to own an EV
Imagine not owning a house lmao, enjoy the bus
This may shock you, but I don't give a fuck about retarded niggers who can't find gainful employment.
You shouldn't own ANY car at all before you own a house lmao. You belong on a bus.
Fucking poorfaggots dumping their money into status symbols before home ownership, it's why they're poor lmao
Shit non Americans say. Or you live in a very rural area, there an overwhelming amount if chargers in cities.
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>and it's getting there


>If we're talking about new vehicle sales, the percentage of electric cars in the U.S. was 6.8% in May 2024

Yeah, it's totally almost there. We'll all be driving EVs on Musk's Martian base that's coming out next year too
This. You have to be retarded to not be able to charge your EV in California at least.
And many other states are becoming like this.
How much of a nigger brain are you that you can't extrapolate based on trends?
Africans don't have words that describe the future, they just live in the present. What happens happens.
Anyone with a brain can look at vehicle sale trends and see that EV sales are skyrocketing.
>Anyone with a brain can look at vehicle sale trends and see that EV sales are skyrocketing.






It would seem as though the one with the nigger brain here is in fact you, Anon. Perhaps if you had a more caucasoid skull shape and forward thinking nordic or mediterranean phenotype, you would be able to read and comprehend these sorts of things. What type of EV do you drive in the Congo? Do they have chargers there?
Houses are really expensive. Hardly anyone owns them. Most people that call themselves homeowners are actually just debt cucks to banks, HOAs and tax districts. So like renters but with more responsibility and risk.

- I neither rent finance or own a house. But I live in multiple homes
So you'll live on the streets just so someone on 4chan can't call you a "debtcuck"
How long does it take to repair the chargeing Park after drug addicts slice all the cords and drive away with them?
I live in houses and apartments. I just don't pay for them.
>be a nigger squatting in empty crackhouses and moving around every few days to avoid the cops
>brag about it on 4chan
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based hobo
>It's that most people don't have anywhere to charge them.
No, YOU dont have a place to charge one because you're poor. Newsflash, kiddo, not everyone is poor like you. Some of us own houses with garages.
Fun fact, people who can afford things are the primary target demographic for car sales.

Post your EV
Post your 1 bedroom apartment you share with you mom and her boyfriend.
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EV sisterinos.. what's happening?!
>with you mom
Why is Musk paying for 3rd world ESL shills?
>retarded yuro laws attempting to mandate market demand fail yet again
oh no!
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>not even the people who shill for EVs will buy an EV
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S-sisterino what's going on?!
Do you ever get tired of spamming the same like 12 images in every thread on this board? If you had a job maybe you could afford a car instead of just seething about other peoples' constantly.
Who the fuck cares about rentoids?
>oh please won't somebody think of the poor apartment dwellers?
not my problem
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Never driven more than 100km.
Not a ricing wagie so I own my house and have my charging station installed in my comfy garage.
>Randomly charge
How hard is it to check how much range left in your car to decide whether or not you'll leave it charging for the night?
EVs really are a retard cattle filter
Imagine being poor you share walls with people. Maybe its time to get off 4chan and get a job.
Sounds like poor people problems, not EV problems
most people who have houses also have condos
single family detached with enough garage spots for every car is almost a statistical roundoff
any way you slice it the requirements of everyone having an EV is 700 quadrillion dollars that dont exist because the average american is a slovenly useless retard and trending downwards to a 75iq shitskin
EVs need mass adoption to become cheap enough to be viable so they will always stay at boutique bullshit for rich people to pretend theyre saving the environment until battery tech becomes exponentially better
a thread died for this...
And that's a good thing, because this is a rockin' thread.
No, Im a live in caretaker. Lite duty stuff, just driving, shopping, cooking, sorting meds and coordinating visits for old people. When they need help with bathing or restroom stuff, someone else moves in, and i move on. Its like having roomates who pay you to live and let you use their stuff.
65% of americans own homes

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