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In a "fuck you, I don't care how ugly you think my gaudy expensive car is," yes I respect it and its owner.
I'm sure it feels very comfortable to drive
China says it is good looking and China can actually afford luxury car. America is poor so why so worried?

Holy fu
Goddam anon, you should be in the business. This is nice.
>It looks OK, just, ok
Very chinese looking
>no you don't get it man it's supposed to look stupid
how does the car look anon
I think the headlights look kind of wack, but I think it suits its purpose for being a luxury barge.
It's like asking me to rate if a certain truck model is a good looking vehicle, Im not into trucks, ive never owned or driven one, so I cant really answer beyond if its looks do justice to its purpose
Astro Boy?
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>i have no style of my own so I let jews and chinks pick it for me
The car is ugly, anon.
everything except the front, rear, and wheels looks nice.
ehhhhhhhhhhh. it’s too bloated to really catch your eye. i could glance at the profile of this car and never think it were anything special. luxury cars were always on the bigger side but the modern facelifts and models made them lose their charm. plus, nobody’s buying them.
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How about this?
It's still fucked, but proportions are better.
hideous, it’s a old man car now… bmw’s were for the youthful affluent man
cut the top of the grills and make a single light bar like a kia over the grills and headlights
hyundai kona or sonata not kia
no cut the bottom portion of the grill that curves over the edge
Reduce the grill to like 80% and its actually great
I don't have to be "into" luxobarges or trucks to know whether I like the look of one or not. if I see it and I think it's ugly, I think it's ugly. It doesn't have to be a car. Anish Kapoor's bean looks stupid. I don't need to be into sculptures, Anish Kapoor, or chrome beans to know whether I like it or not.
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OK, frens, I think I got it.
Here, I fixed it!
BMW hasn't made a good looking car in 30 years.
>literally one of the worst looking 3-series ever made
you could have at least said E90
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Ugly. Slow. Gay.
pre-LCI E90s are ugly as fuck though. he forgot F10 and E39
much better, but the lights dont look bmw-like
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that actually looks alright. but we must return
The Audi still just looks like a big A4
It's a 6000lbs luxobarge that does 0-60 in 3 seconds
>Hans Zimmer engine sounds played through the stereo
Just turn it off if you don't like it
Going back to the real one now feels so much worse
No, it doesn't.
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Well, it does look like a chink.
Yes it does, EVs are GOAT'd for straight line acceleration
The EV variant is irrelevant here.
>it doesn't count because I said so
Literally the same car, just a different engine
>the engine isn't an important aspect of a car
Let me rephrase, *you* are irrelevant here.
If it's important, why not choose the variant with a good one? Shitty engines destined for turd world shitholes don't matter
No, it isn't.
i like it alot
Fix those modern bloated wheel arches and I think this new 7 series is almost passable for my liking
All objectively uglier than the E30,, E34 and E38
e34s are ugly though

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