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Make it happen, Mazda
It will just be a rebadged F150
It already exists
trucktards must really have severe brainrot if they think this looks good
it's probably the Mazda 5 fag again
>muh trugg
I’m just pissed at the fact that they could put their 2.5L turbo engine into the Miata and they haven’t done it.
Let me guess, Australia? Why do they always get the cool shit?
based take, fuck this thread
It's available in my country. Doesn't sell at all. It's just a rebadged Isuzu
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say what, bitch
its basically america if it was in SEA. well actually thats literally what it is.
except they can’t have kino guns. so they suck
The previous generation was a rebadged Ford Ranger but Mazda got tired of repairing them under warranty so now the current gen is a rebadged Isuzu Dmax and it’s actually reliable.
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ford is the pinnacle of durability. what are you on about
Is it true that Isuzu engines are built in Germany by Isuzu Germany?
Seems weird.
MA (Y) DA (Y)
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Sells okay where I am in Oz. It's not a rebadge, it's facelifted, as it doesnt share the body skin, except for the roof.

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