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The car choice for young affluent men went from BMW 3 series to Tesla model 3
Which was better?
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You mean ancient boomers that refuse to act their age?
Because I see quite a few of those around these days.
both are gay.
I usually see boomers in 3 Series and middle aged Pajeets in Teslas. Toronto area.
I still drive my E46; I dred having to buy a nu car, but I think I still have about five more years of life out of my baby.
You're welcome to ride the bus after 5 years.
time stopped moving in 1997; boomers are still in their 40's
Literally any retard can afford one, and you have to be retarded to buy one.
>act their age
What does it mean in America? Having diabetes?
I disagree the vehicle for an affluent white young man is a 4X4 truck/suv usually a taco trd sport/pro or 4Runner or like a f150 with the fx4 pack
>You mean ancient boomers that refuse to act their age?
Affluent young men in 2005 bought 2005 3 series
They dont drive 2005 3 series anymore.
Thats the point of this thread
>They dont drive 2005 3 series anymore.
Mine is a 2002 ;_;
You're not an affluent young man though
I'd agree with this take. Here in Oz wealthy young-uns drive some kind of truck or prestige SUV, or they're still driving the hatch they got from their parents as their first car.
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I'm an affluent young man, you should buy this car.
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The affluent young men:

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