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File: 1000011987.jpg (172 KB, 900x1600)
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What is this?
Fiero with a body kit
Body kit with a fiero
ugly kit car with peterbuilt ass
>fiero bodyskit
smell of peak reddit wholesome onions chungus
Obsessed with cringe kit
some kind of weird dodge stratus with a bodykit
some kind of weird bodykit with fiero stratos
it is the secret unlockable car that you only get by collecting all cars listed at the chopshop
Some kind of middle agers go dead inside and revert to childlike repetition of group behavior.

>you're now aware Reddit in the 00's/early 10's was a lot of 32-48 year old group bracket
fieros turned to dust ages ago
>What is this?
I dont know, but points of interest.
Great fit and finish for a one off, door and rear clam to roof look impeccable. Also glass/lexan looks spot on.
Weird front of door shape that includes part of front fender; how does it open?
Oddly obsessive license recess for a one off, that fits either US or Euro plates. Repurposed?
Odd mix of slit LED tails and round CHMSL,
A car
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more than likely
Okay now what's THIS car?
AAT Heldo, a custom 1 of 2 tube frame sports car with a mid mounted Northstar V8. Not a Fiero.
Not a Fiero
vw bug
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I bet that Fiero fucks like a fighter jet.
mmm.. dat ass.
mouse car
looks like a Lotec C1000 with a few simple modifications

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