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>be me
>software engineer with below average car knowledge
>suddenly get into modding
>buy cheap project car to play around with
>remember hs car enthusiast friends added aftermarket intakes on their civic
>buy cheap intake kit
>slap it on
>looks cool I guess but not expecting any performance
>turn car on
>cool induction sound when I rev
>take it for a spin
>can't rev past 4k rpm
>chokes when hit the throttle too hard
>MAF plausibility error code
>look that shit up
>find out engine is probably running lean due to bigger and less restrictive air intake
>remove intake while feeling depressed at how much of a retarded faggot I am
>start looking into ECU tuning

tl;dr bought aftermarket intake for fun, car ran lean (I think), took it off, now looking into tuning to get correct AFR.

Do I need a wideband O2 sensor to do this if I'm literally just looking to get it running ok with the intake? It's a cheap project car I don't really mind fucking up. I don't want to tune for performance (at least for now) I just want to get it running properly. My intuition as a retard is that narrowband would be enough to let me add fuel until it's no longer running lean.
It looks like the flow with the intake is somehow outside of the range your MAF can deal with. I'd look into forums for your car, there may be a MAF swap or somthing. Maybe you didn't hook up a vacuum hose to the aftermarket intake so it was reading past the lower limit?
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>writes 100 page essay
>doesnt put in model and engine
typical software """"engineer"""" retard
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Sounds like complete bullshit thread. Like OP is a nigger nigger faggot kind of thread.

To get the kind of pressure+volume that would out of range a stock car you need to turbo it. Not even the best of tuned resonance "ram air" intakes are giving any more than +1PSI which will be inside of the variance a maf/map/ecu can tolerate.

Thanks for the thread faggot. In the RARE chance this is a real post you fucked something up, not the ECU couldn't handle the air tube.
Engines can only take as much air as they can flow and your straight pipe CAI tube isn't overwhelming your engine.

Ok you said it better.
>be hillbilly
>place carburetor on top of big fat v8
>tune it with a screwdriver
If the car is NA then O2 is not necessary but it is helpful. If you don't want to run an O2 because of space / wiring / whatever else you can run the car through speed density calculations or Alpha-N, you just run a VE calculation on your engine and then keep test driving and changing values until you feel the car run right.
I've seen this issue before, the problem is not that the pressure and volume is out of range the problem is that the inlet tube causes the MAF sensor to read erratically or incorrectly, be it because the intake tube is too big or because it changes the position of the sensor further away or closer to the manifold.
I did hook the vacuum hose, it was a slightly smaller diameter than the original dunno if it can fuck shit up

Lancer ES 2.0, yes I am in fact retarded

I just assumed the engine was running lean because of the less restrictive intake I don't have any real evidence for it. But the stock intake on that car is very restrictive so in my retarded mind it makes sense that the bigger and less restrictive intake would be beyond what the engine can handle. Like other anons said it's most likely the MAF as I did see error codes about it. Not sure how I'd go about checking that, but aftermarket MAFs are pretty cheap I'm willing to try swapping it before I do anything else.
Chances are that the MAF itself can handle the changed airflow just fine, it's just the ECU that can't handle the changed values and throws its hands up in confusion so you just need to futz with the tables. It naturally depends on the car model, but often you need to install a blower to actually get enough airflow to go beyond the MAF's usable range.
>But the stock intake on that car is very restrictive so in my retarded mind it makes sense that the bigger and less restrictive intake would be beyond what the engine can handle
It's not that the intake is less restrictive and the engine can't handle it, it's that the MAF sensor is not reading correctly because of the tube geometry. You're getting a MAF plausibility error, which means the ECU thinks the engine is getting an air mass different to what the engine is actually getting. This is because of how the MAF sensor reads airflow; there is a resistor that heats up in the middle of the sensor, the air entering the tube cools the resistor and changes the voltage reading entering the ECU. Putting in a bigger tube reduces the air speed of the air entering the tube which in turn cools the resistor less which in turn causes erratic MAF readings, which is what is giving you the issues. Either install the stock airbox or find an aftermarket intake that is specifically designed with similar dynamics as the stock airbox.
it's more likely that the maf housing on the new intake is larger which would require altering the maf table.
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>more air? for me? splendid.
You bought an intake with a different sized housing for the MAF. You need an intake like this with a reduced section if you're not going to tune the vehicle.
you need to measure the diameter of the pipe right where the maf sensor is. any other size is going to make the car run bad because the airflow is calculated. the intake can be bigger before the sensor but it will need to reduce back to the original diameter
I absolutely REFUSE to believe that any "bolt on" intake kit could somehow flow so much more air that it leans the car out in any way. Most car's intakes now are about as good as they can get and your generic pod filter type ones will just suck more hot engine air. Other anons have covered it in more detail.
That could be it, the stock MAF housing is part of the airbox, which is made out of plastic and maybe a quarter inch thicker than the wall of the aftermarket intake. because I'm retarded I only measured the outer diameter. I had no idea cars could be that sensitive to air flow changes.

>Most car's intakes now are about as good as they can get and your generic pod filter type ones will just suck more hot engine air.
Yeah I know, I don't actually expect any performance gain out of this. I'm just doing this as a new hobby.
For most stock cars any actual restrictions would be in the filter size, filter pleat density, and filter box exit hole diameter. The pipes, baffles, accordian tubes, and/or whatever else are completely miniscule on overall air charge.

Pressure is the most important part of air intake, not pipe size or flow rate.
A bone stock 3.4liter 2000s Impala can flow >850CFM, enough air to power a nearly 400HP v8 let alone the 3.4 v6's measly 180.

Intake air PRESSURE is the most important part of the intake (pipe) system. The location of the inlet determines the pressure possible. The best location for an air intake is in the area of the middle/upper hood (same place as the radiator - and for obvious reasons why the radiator is placed there - air pressure!)

An actual, really real tuned intake system could provide 1-2PSI (at certain speeds at certain engine RPMs) over ambient pressure. You know this probably most commonly as "Ram Air" intakes. It's an intake that gives +Whatever horsepower, but mostly only at some tuned, very shallow RPM range.

OP what I'm basically trying to say is CAIs and larger pipes are snake oil, always have been always will be. Larger pipe reduces cylinder charge pressure (larger surface area means reduced flow rate means less pressure for the same airflow).

>reduced flow rate
Reduced flow VELOCITY for the same flow rate equals less air PRESSURE equals less power.
what a nigger
>the stock MAF housing is part of the airbox
Oh, you replaced the MAF housing with a different diameter pipe. That's definitely it, the makers of that intake should be ashamed. You may be able to do some math and adjust the maf table as an anon mentioned above to adjust the maf to work with a bigger pipe.
Intakes used to make power on late-80s early-90s EFI cars because there were actual bottlenecks and the system could adapt to increased airflow. Nowadays it's just about sound, but it's a nice sound that makes 4 cylinders sound deeper.
"Meh" comparing post-malaise era and the early American MPFI systems to anything made since 1998-2005 and newer is disingenuous.
Probably this.
The MAF sensor isn't in its own housing but goes into the new CAI piping and the orifice that supplies airflow to it isn't tuned correctly.
And so it begins. Have fun, anon.
that should only happen if the intake tube is a drastically different size (like 2" or more) since maf calibration is dependent on tube size to determine the air mass being inducted. if it's very close it shouldn't matter and the computer can adjust for it in closed loop. the air filter shouldn't matter either, even no filter at all, since the extra air from lack of restriction will just cool the hot wire further, resulting in the computer seeing a larger air mass but the calculations would be correct so long as it is correctly calibrated for the intake size. the only real reason that might cause an issue is if the stock filter is so incredibly restrictive that removing it allows the hot wire to be cooled so much more than normal it hits the bottom of the table and the computer just sees it stuck at very low (or high I guess) valves which is obviously a red flag for it.
it's definitely that. I've wasted so much of my life calibrating MAF flow rate to stock because people want a CAI, meanwhile I've seen it time and time and time again on the dyno that every 10* IAT is 1% power difference. It's not bad, but if you spent 300 on an AEM intake, then 500 for a "tune", for 1-2% power increase, well I have some remote desert land for sale.
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Thanks anon, I'll make sure to post an update when I've bricked the ECU.

>the only real reason that might cause an issue is if the stock filter is so incredibly restrictive that removing it allows the hot wire to be cooled so much more than normal
This is possible, the biggest restriction in the stock system besides the filter itself is the way it gets air from a couple small holes. I mean I'm pretty much retarded when it comes to engines but this looks pretty restrictive to me, at least it definitely is compared to the aftermarket intake. Good enough to run the engine stock but could mean the MAF is calibrated for a pretty restrictive intake so the aftermarket intake sucking a ton of air in with barely any restriction would cool the MAF sensor wire too much.
>Thanks anon, I'll make sure to post an update when I've bricked the ECU.
kek, I think there are a few other anons on the chans that mess around with factory ECUs using their coding knowledge. I believe in you
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>his ""car"" uses a maf sensor

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