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what's the best classic SUV and why is it the plymouth trailduster? also didn't toyota copy those back lights
Terrible chassis. They need extended leaf springs front and rear to be somewhat tolerable. Honestly don't know if there's enough frame room for it on the swb.
80 series land cruiser completely mogs that shitheap
>what's the best classic SUV
probably a suburban, also the longest lasting nameplate in history
You know that thing never went off road lmao.
I love these and ramchargers
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The K5/M1009 will always be the best SUV ever made. Deal with it, faggot.
The ramcharger was too cool and gm fags were too hung up on smog engines to give it a chance.
If it was a small block it was your golden tricket to reliability.
If it was a big block put high comp pistons in it and take the wife out of a fun adventure where you scare the crap out of her.
As an M1008 owner, I support this.

they're ridiculously overpriced
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Squarebody Burb or Blazer. The Bronco was always a girls Blazer and Mopar clearly didn't even try.
>Mopar clearly didn't even try.
What about jeep gladiator
When was the last time you saw one? I've seen less than 5 in my life. If they were good people would have bought them.

damn it's hard to find a M1009.

Blazers for lambo prices are a dime a dozen though
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A Ramcharger would have been my second choice after my '81 K-5.

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