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I'd give the Hyundai a shot for variety.

Not a fan of newer GMs at all and I've never had a weeabocar
get the ridgeline
Not similar to each other so it seems like you don't really have a question.
Are you looking for a car with a bed or do you want a truck that isn't giant?
The Hyundai a more practical vehicle for most people, but it doesn't have the same promise of adventure/capability that leads most buyers to buy a truck over a car.
This means that you won't see some of the benefits to truck ownership that are typical, like extremely high resale. If you own the vehicle for a long time, that may be counteracted by the presumably lower day to day operating costs.

I have a Colorado and I love it (though it's not the most up to date generation). I have a co-worker that has a Santa Cruz and he loves it, but I do much rowdier stuff with my truck than he does with his and I don't think his would be suitable for me.
Geo Tracker.
One is a crossover and one is a Camaro with a bed. Both are terrible.
Colorado tows like 7k I'd get that. I think the new ones look pretty cool. I would avoid the Hyundai like hell, I've owned two (fool me twice) and they are shitboxes. I'd get a Ridgeline if I wanted an SUV with a bed.
Brehs I don’t tow shit, I just like the look of trucks.
I live in a snowy place with shitty roads. Do I want a unibody with AWD or body on frame with 4WD?
Reliability is a MUST out here
It's a ute anon
>like the ridgeline
>like the maverick
If you need a truck, colorado
If you "need" a truck (minivan) then the santa cruz, though I'd go for the honda because the cruz might have a shit engine

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