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So recently I've been interested in getting an Infiniti Q50 hybrid, I know…. BUT! honestly once I've tried hybrid cars I can't get back to non-hybrid.

The instant torque at low RPM is just very comfy, the Q50 comes with a V6 too so plenty of power to enjoy the cars also, since should be reliable.

Anyway, as with any sane person, I decided to check YouTube for long term reviews and stuff, and lo and behold all Q50 videos are filmed by Black people, which got me thinking why are niggers attracted to these cars?
Are you about to make a financial decision based on what others might perceive you as?
Nope, this is why my other car is a Corolla Touring, people made fun of me but hey, can't beat that rear space.

Luckily, I don't live in the United states of Israel, so I am good there. But I am truly astonished by the amount of black people who are gravitated to these cars, I would never have guessed it in a million years.
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They're basically "Homie's First Foreign", these are cross shopped when a brotha wants something more exclusive and luxurious than a Charger, but without German-tier maintenance, and with RWD and a bit of power so you can still flex in front of the honeys at the local sideshow and "cut up" and "swim" through traffic.
>Nope, this is why my other car is a Corolla Touring
That's my point. You're afraid of being perceived as "black" or whatever boogeyman you have in mind about people who drive this type of car. So you buy the most inoffensive thing possible. You don't want to be judged by others.
I wish they would brand it as the Nissan Skyline in burgerland.

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